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Programator web

11 апреля 2018

Compania Double-Case

Companie de consultanță în domeniul financiar “Double-Case”, oferă post vacant în departamentul de marketing; angajăm programator web. Responsabilitatile angajatului: programarea site-ului frontend and backend; programarea landing page; interacționarea cu personae din diverse domenii de activitate (business, vânzări, IT, marketing etc.); publicarea și monitorizarea evenimentelor pe site-ul proiectului. Compania Double-Case coopereaz

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- acte metodologice şi normative de programare, exloatare a sistemelor informaţionale, - utilizarea tehnicii de calcul la prelucrarea informaţiei ect.

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PHP Software engineer

9 апреля 2018

ZF Master

Our company is looking for a PHP Developer, who will be able with his energy and ideas help the team to do great things. An ideal candidate will be a self-starter who perceives technology as an art, understands business goals, and creates scalable and flexible technical solutions. Requirements: - Programming languages: PHP, JavaScript (sometimes bash ))) - English. We do not ask you to write the poem, but you will participate in Scrum, and

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Obligațiuni: - Organizarea procesului de muncă în depozit și evidența contabilă a stocului de marfă; - Pregătirea mărfii înainte de vânzare; - Livrarea mărfii la cumpărător; - Lucru cu componente hardware și software; Cerințe: - Studii superioare în IT; - Experiență de lucru în cadrul unei companii IT; - Cunoștințe elementare de hardware; - Abilități elementare de lucru cu baze de date; - Abilități elementare de instalare software;

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Python developer

4 апреля 2018


- знание одного из фреймворков Django, Pylons, TurboGears - знание и опыт работы с базами данных (PostgreSQL, MySQL и т.п.) - HTML - Javascript - технический английский - Официальное трудоустройство - Социальный пакет - График работы: 5 дней в неделю

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Программист 1С

4 апреля 2018

Sale Days

Требуется специалист в работе с программой 1С, v8 Помощь по наладке нескольких вопрос Оплата сразу за каждую решенную задачу

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Lucru acasa

3 апреля 2018


doresti sa ai un venit in plus atunci acesati acest sait https://fruitmoney.org/?u=decebal121

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EOP Team

В команду фрилансеров СРОЧНО ТРЕБУЕТСЯ Angular + Laravel back-end developer. Проект интересный и очень перспективный (уже запущен и требует развития)! Требования: - Опыт в Laravel и Angular не менее 2 лет - PHP, NodeJS, CSS, HTML, MySQL... - Ответственность и способность работать в команде - Желание работать Мы предлагаем: ☑️ Долгосрочная удаленная занятость на full-time/part-time (обсуждается) ☑️ Гибкий график ☑️ Регулярная оплата б

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.NET Developer

2 апреля 2018

StarLab S.R.L.

Hey,there! Are you a student or recent graduated? Are you young and impatient? With strong desire to build your career in a professional and prospective company? Or… maybe you are ready to move on your career to the next level? "StarLab" is offering you this opportunity! We are looking for Junior and Middle .NET programmers! What would you do? - Develop one of the most efficient ERP systems. What would we appreciate? - Strong p

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C# developer

2 апреля 2018

”StarLab” S.R.L.

Hey,there! Are you a student or recent graduated? Are you young and impatient? With strong desire to build your career in a professional and prospective company? Or… maybe you are ready to move on your career to the next level? "StarLab" is encouraging the students to apply!!! We are looking for Junior .NET programmers who are ready to transform the world through action! What would you do? - Develop one of the most efficient ERP sys

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QA Tester

2 апреля 2018


Are you a student or recent graduated? Are you young and impatient? With strong desire to build your career in a professional and prospective company? StarLab is offering you this opportunity! We are looking for a QA Tester! What would you do? - Analyze the Acceptance Criteria of the User stories; - Design test scenarios and document the test cases; - Apply various testing types and methodologies; - Execute test cases in Integrat

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2 апреля 2018

PROwebdesign - working for you...

Eşti programator și cauți un loc de muncă? Vino la noi în echipă! Echipa noastră se marește! Responsabilități: - Administrare proiecte in CMS, modificare si adaugare de informatii - Modificari in structura site Cerințe: - Sa ai cei 7 ani de acasa - Experiență anterioară în acest domeniu, obligatoriu minim 5 proiecte elaborate in portofoliu - Să cunoască următoarele limbaje de programare: PHP, CSS, JAVA, CMS, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupa

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Petrosoft LLC

PHP developer в нашу команду Работа удаленная, полная занятость Мы продуктовая американская компания petrosoftinc в области разработки back office систем управления заправочными станциями и топливной дистрибуцией О нас: Компания Petrosoft LLC существует с 2002 года. Petrosoft предлагает платформу, а также программное обеспечение, оборудование и услуги. Варианты интеграции, технологии и услуги компании разработаны, чтобы успешно примен

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Programator web

28 марта 2018


Companie de consultanță în domeniul financiar “Double-Case”, oferă post vacant în departamentul de marketing; angajăm programator web. Pentru mai multe detalii și cerințele față de candidat, vă rugăm să trimiteți CV-ul dumneavoastre pe adresa de email atrium@double-case.md sau să contactați la numarul de telefon 060626706.

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ASU Trading SRL

Hey! We are www.gocase.eu, a Shopify based online from Romania operating in 6 European countries (Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic) and we’re looking for a new member in our team (e-commerce assistant). If you want to learn advanced e-commerce, online marketing, automation and business development, this position may be for you! I made a short video here explaining who I am, what my company does and what

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Administrator de rețea

27 марта 2018

Institutul de Dezvoltare a Soc...

Responsabilităţi: Produsele hardware și software de menţinere a reţelelor, principiile de reparaţie a echipamentului; Caracteristicile tehnice şi de exploatare, particularităţile constructive, destinaţia şi regimul de funcţionare a utilajului, regulile de exploatare tehnică a lui; Sistemele de organizare a protecţiei în complex a informaţiei, metodele de prevenire a accesului nesancţionat la informaţii; Metodele de înregistrare a copiilor d

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Software developers

26 марта 2018

E-Government Center

• Familiarity with Design Patterns and Domain Driven Design practices. • Familiarity with UML/CASE tools. • Familiarity with ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET MVC Core, Windows Communication Foundation, SQL, Entity Framework, JavaScript languages, Artificial Intelligence and related technologies. • Familiarity with implementing standard-based web-services using WS-* standards and/or REST style using WCF and/or Web API. • Familiarity with pr

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26 марта 2018


Looking for young specialists: - Software engineers - App developers - Android and iOS - Web developers (Angular and React) - Java or C/C++ - Machine learning, big data, cloud This is a permanent job based in Sweden at employer’s premises (Lund) or at customer premises (Lund, Göteborg, Malmo, Stockholm) Must be fluent in English, Swedish is a bonus but not required (language lessons can be arranged) Competitive salary (starti

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Suntem în căutarea unui PHP developer pentru a participa la dezvoltarea backend-ului actual al aplicației BETUP: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.betup În echipă deja se află un Android dev + PHP dev, inițierea în proiect va fi cît posibil de ușoară și plăcută. Cerințe: - cunoștințe și experiență în OOP, SQL - Va fi un avantaj cunoașterea Symfony Framework, înțelegerea SOLID, Design Patterns, principiilor REST - dorința d

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Inginer IT hardware

23 марта 2018

Steinel Electronic SRL

Resopnsabilitatea de baza consta în instalarea, configurarea, mentenanța si asigurarea lucrului stabil al retelei locale de computere si al întregului utilaj tehnologic informational și comunicații din cadrul întreprinderii. Cerințe față de candidați: 1. Studii medii tehnice (preferabil tehnologii informationale, programare, calculatoare, microelectronică) 2. Cunoașterea: - Cum este construită o rețea locală de computere și telefo

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Inginer IT hardware

22 марта 2018

Steinel Electronic SRL

Resopnsabilitatea de baza consta în instalarea, configurarea, mentenanța si asigurarea lucrului stabil al retelei locale de computere si al întregului utilaj tehnologic informational și comunicații din cadrul întreprinderii. Cerințe față de candidați: 1. Studii medii tehnice (preferabil tehnologii informationale, programare, calculatoare, microelectronică) 2. Cunoașterea: - Cum este construită o rețea locală de computere și telefo

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Inginer IT hardware

21 марта 2018

Steinel Electronic SRL

Resopnsabilitatea de baza consta în instalarea, configurarea, mentenanța si asigurarea lucrului stabil al retelei locale de computere si al întregului utilaj tehnologic informational și comunicații din cadrul întreprinderii. Cerințe față de candidați: 1. Studii medii tehnice (preferabil tehnologii informationale, programare, calculatoare, microelectronică) 2. Cunoașterea: - Cum este construită o rețea locală de computere și telefo

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Node.js developer

20 марта 2018


How we are? We are an international software company constantly on the lookout for talented, bright and motivated individuals. We offer a pampering office in a supportive and family-like environment with great compensation at a successful and rapidly growing company that has a lot of room for personal growth, learning new technologies and acquiring managerial experience. Desired Skills and Experience We are seeking for a Node.js developer wi

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One Logic Consulting Group

Candidatul ideal Profil cautat: Aveti 3 ani de experienta in dezvoltare WEB din care minimum un 1 an pe tehnologiile Microsoft Vorbiti franceza la nivel conversational (sau la un nivel de incepator avansat dar vreti sa invatati mai bine) Sunteti motivat si curios Vreti sa traiti si sa lucrati la Paris Descrierea jobului Postul disponibil : Developer WEB Agile .NET - Paris Va propunem sa integrati o echipa de 25 de developeri Agile

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Senior front-end developer

20 марта 2018


Компания Uniweb приглашает на работу опытного front-end разработчика. Обязанности: - Адаптивная кроссбраузерная верстка веб-сайтов компании по макетам - Оптимизация под мобильные устройства - Верстка промо страниц и лендингов Требования: - Уверенное знание HTML5, CSS3, JS - Наличие портфолио. Личные качества: Творческое мышление, умение находить решение в сложных ситуациях, стрессоустойчивость, коммуникабельность, ответственность,

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Senior backend developer

20 марта 2018

Giftloop Inc

Our team in Moldova looking for Senior Backend Developer Join our US-funded company with international ambitions! We are building a few companies over time with a current focus on Giftloop, an Android app that is currently US-focused but will go Global within a year. We are a team that believes in empowerment: we need your input, knowledge, and decisions to make the company truly great. We also think fun is important; you can see that every

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Giftloop Inc.

Giftloop Inc.- Senior Backend Developer WANTED!!! Our team in Moldova looking for Senior Backend Developer Join our US-funded company with international ambitions! We are building a few companies over time with a current focus on Giftloop, an Android app that is currently US-focused but will go Global within a year. We are a team that believes in empowerment: we need your input, knowledge, and decisions to make the company truly great. W

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Программист mt5

18 марта 2018

Частное Лицо

Ищу программиста ( возраст значения не имеет) для участия в совместном проекте, связанным с биржевой торговлей, имеющая высокие навыки программирования торговых инструментов с помощью языков MT5, MT4 (советников, индикаторов...),

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15 марта 2018


Заработок крипто-валюты стал одним из самых перспективных на сегодняшний день! Представляю самое интересное и выгодное: Один из старейших и надежных: https://freebitco.in/?r=12847270 Интересный и перспективный: http://freebtcmine.com/?partner=211187 Щедрый: http://myfreebtc.net/r/a45ec4361 Успехов и финансового благополучия!

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Full stack developer

15 марта 2018

Cristian WEV LTD

Professional Requirements: Minimum 2 years of development experience with LAMP environment, Laravel, PHP, Javascript, CMS experience, HTML5/CSS3, Focused on code quality and high development standards Familiar with version control (Git) An eye for design and strong attention to details Medium english communication Posibilitate de a lucra si remote. email: cristencean@yahoo.com tel: 0755 620 871

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Avalanche Laboratory

На сегодняшний день, мы ищем коману Front End Developer (Angular 2+) из 3х человек для работы над проектом по разработки системы налогообложения Ботсваны. Необходимые навыки - От 3 лет опыта Front-End разработки - От года опыта работы с Angular 2 - Глубокое понимание нативного JS и любой из основных библиотек (Lodash, Underscrore, etc.) - Опыт работы с препроцессорами css (Stylus, Less, Sass) - Понимание принципов современной верстки адап

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Technical team lead

14 марта 2018

Datum Solutions SRL

Overview of Core Responsibilities and Competencies: Project Scoping - RFPs - Project Scope Documents Over-Head Projects - Identification and assessment of internal costs - Deliverables - Negotiations Relationship Management - Positive and open relationships - Relationships with project stakeholders - Communication and visibility Project Planning - Ensure project plan is a living document, continuously updated and keep trackin

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Software developer

14 марта 2018

Datum Solutions SRL

- Basic understanding of current and upcoming technologies - Good understanding of company’s products, services, technologies - Strong initiative to find ways to improve solutions, systems, and processes - Experience as a Software Developer with exposure to Java, J2EE applications, DDBB SQL: MS SQL Server or IBM DB2 or Oracle and Web Services - Experience with agile development methodologies - Experience with debugging, performance profiling

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experience with testing web applications on different devices. Ability to write STD & STP & test cases in English Experience with a qa software management tool like JIRA,MTM, VSTS or others Experience in writing SQL queries Good writing skills in English Good talking skills in English Advantages C# coding java coding Automation experience

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experience writing web application expert in HTML5,CSS3,Javascript ,Angular 4,Any other web technologies Good writing skills in English Good talking skills in English Advantages PHP EXTJS

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Junior software developer

13 марта 2018


This is for you if you... ... are an entry-level software developer with 0 or basic experience ... are interested in javascript ... want to learn from the best and acquire skills having a full-time or a part-time remote job? ... dream of being a part of a super international team? If you say "YES" - we might have something to offer you! Stipend work&learn program at a fast-growing Silicon Valley software company Afflight - company th

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Fast-growing Silicon Valley company is looking for a talented full-stack JavaScript developer. We receive 110 million visits per month and are one of the largest Node.js® projects in existence. The company has 6 offices on 3 different continents, but the majority of the engineering team works remotely. We offer you a remote job with zero commuting to work; your schedule is flexible — only you control your hours. Our engineering team uses the late

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Data entry

13 марта 2018


Do you... ...value your time? ...want to be flexible and independent having a full-time job? ...dream of being a part of a super international team? If you say "YES" - we might have a dream job for you! Afflight - company that unites engineers creating technology products and building software companies across several industry verticals some of which are used by millions of individuals globally, is looking for a Data Entry Professional

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Html / CSS coder

13 марта 2018

Limout Soft

Компания Limout Soft ищет HTML верстальщика. Основное направление деятельности – верстка HTML/CSS страниц с PSD и создание макетов для WordPress CMS, редактирование и доработка существующих сайтов. Работа полный рабочий день в офисе на Рышкановке но возможна и удаленная занятость part-time.

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Devops engineer

12 марта 2018


We are currently expanding our staff and seek to hire a Devops Engineer who uses initiative and can offer solutions to complex problems. As a DevOps Engineer, you will be responsible for deploying, managing and operating scalable, highly available and fault tolerant environments that run all company Software. Required Technical Experience: • Linux. • Windows. • TCP/IP and networking basics. • Basic knowledge of scripting languages (shell/b

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Specialist solutii IT

12 марта 2018

Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Dis...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. lider de pe piata din domeniul distributiei solutiilor IT si intergrarii sistemelor informationale de tip software si hardware in Republica Moldova, angajeaza persoana in functia de: SPECIALIST SOLUTII IT Responsabilități: - Responsabil pentru implimentarea și integrarea soluțiilor informaționale (document management – circulatia electronica a documentelor) în cadrul companiilor din

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Business analyst

12 марта 2018

Rodac Info

Rodac-Info is a software development company that is searching for a Business Analyst to support the agile development team. The Business Analyst will work closely with key stakeholders and users to elicit product requirements and create user stories with corresponding process maps and UI wireframes. Main Responsibilities: • Communicate effectively with clients via email, conference calls or on-site meetings to gather product requirements. •

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Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. una din liderii de pe piata distributiei si intergrarii prodsuelor software si hardware care ofera servicii in domeniul tehnologiilor informationale in Republicii Moldova angajeaza persoana in functia de: Specialist Tehnologii Informationale Se oferă: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial atractiv; - Interacțiune cu marile companii internaționale din domeniu; - Training-uri de

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Foreign company

Responsibilities For our activity we are looking for a very methodic and organised person for daily IT ressources management. Tasks typically involve: • Monitor server activity and raise alert ; • Maintain servers, IP and domain ; • Purchaise technical ressources ; • Edit activity report based on KPI ; Company & location You integrate a company based in France and Chisinau, dedicated to Italy and French markets. You should be a respons

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Intreprinderea cu capital stra...

Responsibilities For our activity we are looking for a very methodic and organised person for daily IT ressources management. Tasks typically involve: • Monitor server activity and raise alert ; • Maintain servers, IP and domain ; • Purchaise technical ressources ; • Edit activity report based on KPI ; Company & location You integrate a company based in France and Chisinau, dedicated to Italy and French markets. You should be a respons

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Web Automation Inc

Требования: • хорошее знание ASP.NET MVC, jquery,bootstrap, LINQ, SQL Server, CSS+SASS • писать чистый код в соответствии с нашей нотацией и желание создавать хороший код • главные качества – исполнительность и ответственность (эти качества могут компенсировать ваше незнание некоторых технологий). Особенности работы в нашей компании: • Удаленная работа и свободный график • Работа в сложных и интересных н

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Front-end developer

7 марта 2018


Company description International company specialized in travel reservations management systems. Job summary You will be a member of international team and challenging projects, developing unique products and an international career. We are looking for a talented frontend developer to build the frontend of a Magento 2 based project. Primary job responsibilities • Participate in full lifecycle software development • Develop flowcharts,

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I.M. 1C-Account Timbal SRL

Дистрибьютору 1С в Молдове компании «1C-Account Timbal» требуется ПРОГРАММИСТ Основные обязанности: Изменение конфигурации базы 1C: Предприятие 8. Разработка на платформе 1C: Предприятие 8 в соответствии с техническим заданием Требования: Высшее профильное образование Знание платформы 1C: Предприятие 8 Приветствуется: Опыт работы в фирмах «1С:Франчайзи»; Опыт автоматизации малых и средних предприятий посредством платформы 1C; На

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RBS, IT-компания

В нашей команде открыта вакансия программиста. Мы занимаемся информационными сайтами и небольшими сервисами. Наш будущий коллега должен помогать нам делать отличные проекты, а именно брать на себя техническую составляющую. Есть задачи как по верстке (минимально), так и по программированию (большая часть). Нам нужен коллега, который сможет уделять в день 4-6 часов своего времени. Основная задача - поддержка текущих проектов, доработкаразработка пл

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Flatfy.Catalog — сервис для выбора жилья на первичном рынке (в строящихся домах). Наш сервис позволяет пользователям сделать осознанный выбор при покупке жилья на первичном рынке, что подтверждает множество отзывов, которые мы получаем каждую неделю. Проект запущен в Беларуси, Казахстане, Молдове, России, Румынии и Индии. Мы ищем копирайтера/контент-менеджера со знанием румынского языка, который будет заниматься добавлением информации о жил

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