IT, Программирование
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DAVAY.TECH IS HIRING! We’re actively seeking for a talented and experienced Full Stack Developer to join our creative team. In this role you will solve challenging problems by working with the latest technologies and frameworks. COMPANY DESCRIPTION DAVAY.TECH is a company that was to change the way we use the ai and robotics in our daily life . [] TALENTS YOU BRING TO THE TEAM: Over 8 years of experience as a fu
Partenerul oficial produselor 1C in Moldova, Compania «1C-Abandant Program» este in cautarea Programatorilor 1C Condiții: -Orele de muncă: de la 9-00 la 18-00; -Activitatea se desfășoară în biroul companiei; in centrul sect Botanica str. Aron Pumnul 133/1 sau part time; -Colectiv prietenos; -Salariu motivant; -Pachet social. -Sustinerea Examenului 1C Professional si 1C Specialist din contul companiei Responsabilități: -Lucru cu platf
Обязанности: Поднятие сеток сателлитов; Самостоятельное продвижение брендовых сайтов; Составление ТЗ на контент, линкбилдинг, дизайн и верстку; Работа над увеличением конверсии; Составление ежемесячные отчеты. Знания и навыки: Изначально подразумевается, что ты уже знаешь логику и принципы работы поисковых систем, а также умеешь работать с основным SEO инструментарием ;) Понимаешь все основные элементы технической оптимизации сайта (r
100% official salary (IT Park) We’re looking for Golang developers or seasoned backend developers (preferably PHP ones, see below) who’d like to learn Golang. Since we sincerely believe that programming language itself is not THAT important, what we really looking for are: - knowledge of best practices - at least a basic understanding of microservices architecture - delivery-oriented mindset (in other words: iteration beats perfection fr
100% official salary (IT Park) We’re looking for a seasoned iOS developer to support and develop a messaging application (similar to Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp) for a Swedish startup. - Excellent Swift knowledge (more than 90% of codebase is Swift already) - At least basic understanding of Objective-C for legacy code - knowledge of best practices - knowledge of different kind of testing in iOS - at least basic exposure to reactive program
Descrierea activității: •Administrarea, configurarea, monitorizarea și efectuarea diagnosticării echipamentelor active de rețea; •Depănarea conexiunilor de rețea și soluționarea problemelor de conectivitate. •Administrarea accesului la resursele de rețea, Internet și VPN; •Oferirea asistenței de specialitate în exploatarea echipamentelor telecomunicaționale și rețelelor locale de calculatoare; •Efectuarea lucrărilor de proiectare, instalare
At Molenu, we develop backend technology for mobile apps used by by hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. Some of the company projects have been featured by Apple or mentioned by MTV, DailyMail, Insider, Cosmopolitan, BusinessInsider, Buzzfeed, Papermag, People, MSN, Yahoo News and many other global media outlets. As a key member of our research and development team, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in the comp
Контент-менеджмент для стартапа - Форматирование и структурирование контента на сайте - Разработка, корректура и адаптация материалов - SEO-оптимизация материала под поисковые запросы - Написание инструкций и FAQ и прочее - Работа с графическими изображениями
Требуется специалист по СЕО продвижению
Условия работы: Опыт работы с PHP (YII) не менее 2 лет Опыт работы с bitcoin node или желание быстро обучиться. PHP5, MySQL, jQuery, ООП, GIT (Хорошее знание) Умение разбираться в чужом коде Умение работать в рамках оговорённых сроков Работа в команде 8 часовой рабочий день Оплачиваемый отпуск Профессиональный рост наших сотрудников мы превращаем в карьерный Зарплата от 11 000 (минимум) до 13 500 лей. на начальном этапе + kpi (Платим
Требуются опытные middle/senior разработчики для поддержки букмекерской системы. В задачи будут входить такие вещи как: интеграция с платежными системами, создание ставочных консолей, преобразование данных с внешних провайдеров, работа с внешними и внутренними API и много других интересных сервисов. Если у Вас есть желание стать частью такой команды, то Вы должны как минимум иметь опыт в: - Использовать .NET или Golang в ежедневной работе. - Дру
Удалённая работа
Актуализировано: 24 марта 2020
Требуется специалист для разработки сайта Full Stack.Для реализации интересного стартапа.
Despre noi - suntem o echipa de voluntari care a construit un muzeu frumos in centrul Chisinaului si avem nevoie si de o pagina web care sa exprime trei lucruri: frumosul, accesibilitatea si simplitatea si sa ofere o experienta cat mai placuta de navigare pentru utilizator, cross-browser si cross-device. Cerinte: - Cunostinte solide de HTML / CSS / JavaScript; - Cunostinte Bootstrap; - Cunostinte jQuery; - Portofoliu existent de lucrari;
Mobiblocks Lab, a Seattle, USA based company is looking for candidates for Principal Software Development Engineer on Android; Responsibilities: - Prototype, develop and maintain Android app and related infrastructure. - Implement and maintain unit-tests - Configure CI systems and deploy the application - Estimate and keep track of work progress - Manage, triage and prioritize tasks and issues Required skills: - Knowledge and experien
Нужно разработать ПО для подобного микроскопа "Машины измерительные KIT MSM 43". Для получения подробностей писать на почту.
Data Entry | Beginner | Posted: 15 hours ago | Time left: 59 days and 8 hours | Proposals: 52 | Interested: 54 Project description: - Objective: Fill and enrich a contact list - The list is provided with the name and address (sometimes phone) of 100 company - The Freelancer must: 1. Search the company on google to find e-mail and phone 2. Get in touch, confirm data and search for information (Ex: Contact Name, telephone, company
Cunostinte in administrare IT Studii superioare in IT
Join the world’s largest virtual company! Work from anywhere – Flexible hours – Training & travel opportunities Scopic Software is seeking a Remote PHP/JavaScript Developer (Intermediate+) to join our team of 250+ professionals across 40 countries. The successful candidate will work with a talented senior team to develop industry-leading applications with the latest technologies. The initial project is a complex audiovisual media and transla
I have 3 problem. If you know javascript and wordpress it is very simple. There is really simple code. just few lines. 1.javascript error. 2.paypal error. 3.sub menu creation.Q
Cerințe: – dezvoltarea de software de tip server în Python (Tornado, AsyncIO); – experiență de lucru cu bazele de date – MongoDB, ElasticSearch, SQL; – cunoașterea HTTP / HTTPS și a metodelor acestora; – înțelegerea principiilor REST; – experiență de lucru cu Docker / Git. Un avantaj incontestabil va fi și: – cunoașterea HTML / CSS / JS. Vă oferim: – program de lucru: Luni – Vineri, de la 9:30 la 18:30; – locația oficiului: Calea Or
Cunoștințe și abilități: – cunoașterea HTML, CSS, JavaScript; – cunoașterea Git; – ES2016; – React; – GraphQL. Vor constitui un avantaj următoarele competențe: – pre/post processe (Less/Stylus/Sass/PostCSS); – Redux; – Flow; – Styled components; – SSR; – Docker. Vă oferim: – program de lucru: Luni – Vineri, de la 9:00 la 18:00; – locația oficiului: Calea Orheiului 28/1 (sectorul Rișcani); – angajare oficială, pachet social com
We build an entire ecosystem for Web Automation tasks. Our product allows every developer to develop, test, collaborate, publish and maintain any kind of web bots. We are a small team but with high rated professionals where you will be a part of it and you will learn not only technologies but also the best approaches of how to solve problems like a guru. Responsibilities: Assisting the Development Manager with all aspects of software de
Компания ищет программиста с хорошим знанием Modx Revolution, умение работать с использованием технологий: CSS, HTML, javascript, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, UIkit, PHP, MySQL, Fenom,на хороших условиях.
Требуется опытный копирайтер для написания текстов под игровые автоматы Украины с владением языка. Очень важный проект с высокой оплатой.
Требуется программист, или web компания Требования к разработчику - Хорошее владение MODX Revolution - Использование в своей работе шаблонизатора Fenom - Хорошее знание Bootstrap 3, UIkit 2, HTML, CSS, LESS, jQuery, SQL, PHP, умение писать сниппеты и плагины для MODX Revolution Свои CV отправляйте на:
WEB DESIGNER & WEB DEVELOPER Tip: Project Based / Part Time Cerinţe faţă de candidaţi: - Disponibilitate part-time/project-based - Cunoştinţe HTML5, CSS3, XHTML; - Cunoştinţe Bootstrap şi responsive design; - Cunoştinţe Javascript, jQuery, ajax, etc. - Simţ artistic şi estetic dezvoltat, noţiuni de cromatică şi compoziţie, atenţie la detalii - Cunoaşterea setului de programe: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe InDesi
FRONTEND/WEB DEVELOPER Tip: Project Based / Part Time Cerinţe faţă de candidaţi: - Disponibilitate part-time/project-based - Cunoştinţe HTML5, CSS3, XHTML; - Cunoştinţe Bootstrap şi responsive design; - Cunoştinţe Javascript, jQuery, ajax, etc. - Constituie un avantaj cunoaşterea platformelor Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal; - Experienţă > 3 ani - Cunoaşterea limbilor română, rusă, engleză; Responsabilităţi: - Asamblarea paginilor di
Ideal candidate • Excellent communication skills • Excellent organizational skills • Problem solving skills • Project Management training (basic) • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office products • Proven track record in the delivery of high quality customer service • Fluent in English Job description Purpose of the Role: • Responsible for coordinating the steady state service delivery to multiple client accounts promoting the continu
SEOlium ( este o agenție de marketing digital. ________________________________________ Dorim să angajăm pe cineva care vrea o carieră în promovarea online / marketing digital. Candidatul perfect este o persoană inteligență, harnică, ambițioasă și cu o etică de lucru impecabilă. Experienţa în IT, marketing, sau jurnalism constituie un avantaj. Pe durata stagiului vom combina sarcinile teoretice cu cele practice. Ul
Suntem in cautarea unui Front-End Developer care sa se ocupe si de UI/UX design cu spirit creativ si inovativ. Postul este remote, asta insemnand ca ne asteptam la seriozitate si onestitate din partea candidatului. Noi suntem o echipa tanara, dinamica si decizile care tin de postul fiecaruia nu sunt luate doar de management ci si de cel ce urmeaza sa faca implementarea. Despre job: * Realizare site-uri de lead generation din templateuri *
Se cauta un specialist freelancer/designer web pentru mai multe proiecte. Orar flexibil si locatie remote. Cerinte: - Cel mai important: simt estetic bine dezvolztat si creativitate; - Cunostinte profunde in Wordpress, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS, Adobe, Joomla; - Design Landing Page; - Design Website; - Banere; - Flyere; Salariul este atractiv si se achita pe ora/job in dependenta de proiect. Va rog trimite-ti CV-ul si portofoliul pe e
Are you a talented developer looking to boost your career by working with a highly talented team of experts? We are looking for passionate developers with high standards in terms of commitment, customer experience and delivering quality products. Technical criteria: Strong knowledge of PHP web frameworks, good understanding!!! Understanding the fully synchronous behavior of PHP; Understanding of MVC design patterns; Basic understandin
В компанию Techlink требуются .NET разработчики, компания находится на Кипре. Профессиональное образование приветсвуется. Резюме и портфолио отсылайте на Все вопросы задавайте в whatsapp по указазанному номеру телефона.
Angajam persoana pentru functia de programist : Cerinte : - Diploma de licenta/masterat Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică și Microelectronică - Punctualitate si responsabilitate - Posibilitatea unui program flexibil - Salariul motivant Cunoasterea Limbaje de programare constituie un avantaj : Web : HTML, JAVA, PHP. OS : Windows , Linux PLC : Laddder Logic , Function Block. Protocoalele de comunicare : MODBUS , TCP, RTU Profinet
Abilitățile pe care le căutăm: - Experiență cu Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator - Dezvoltare design web (site, proiectare interfețe grafice, materiale promo) - Abilități de realizare a animațiilor grafice și materialelor promoționale într-un stil unic - Atenție la detalii și gândire analitică - Respectarea de dead-line-uri - Responsabilitate Oferim: Remunerare pe masura. Oficu confortabil. Rugam sa expediati portofolio
Ищем UI/UX дизайнер. -- Что мы будем делать ? -Дизайн для мобильных приложений, веб приложений . -Отрисовка макетов/мокапов/создание кликабельных прототипов и графических элементов интерфейса. -- Что мы от вас ожидаем ? -Опыт минимум 1 год. -Трудолюбие. -Креативность. -Дружелюбие. -Уметь работать в команде. -- Почему с нами круто ? -Перспективное будущее. -Интересные проекты. -Повышение вашей квалификации. -И много других вкусно
Do you like to solve difficult problems in C/C++? Advanced memory management, lock-free, wait-free data structures, real-time processing, latency guarantee - these are just a few challenges you are going to face. It's a challenge to design and implement cloud software that scales on very powerful servers (100+ cores, terabytes of memory, 100 Gbs network connections, NVMe over Fabric storage) and coordinates in clusters across hundreds of such
Are you a talented developer looking to boost your career by working with a highly talented team of experts? We are looking for passionate developers with high standards in terms of commitment, customer experience and delivering quality products. Technical criteria: Strong knowledge of PHP web frameworks, MANGENTO very good understanding!!! Understanding the fully synchronous behavior of PHP; Understanding of MVC design patterns; Basi
Sarcinile de bază: - Crearea materialelor Promo în format pentru printare (flyere, panouri, postere, etc.); - Crearea imaginilor pentru postări SMM (Facebook / / Instagram); - Cunoașterea Softului precum - Adobe Photoshop; Ilustrator; InDesign; - Constituie un Avantaj Experiența în CREAREA / EDITAREA conținutului video și cunoașterea programelor Adobe Premiere / After Effects și altele Condiții de lucru: - Full-time: 5 zile pe săp
Job Description We are looking for Senior Full-Stack Developers with managerial skills who can work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. In this position, you will be a leader of a small professional team. You should have a strong understanding of the challenges facing modern web design and development. You should always strive to do right by the consumer, delivering the best user experience. WORKING CONDITIONS Full-time/remote (home-ba
В компанию, которая занимается продвижением казино с выводом средств на карточку Сбербанка нужен опытный верстальщик для создания новых шаблонов и уникализации CSS стилей.
Is it important to you to create an application that will benefit millions of people? At IT Smart Systems, you are empowered to do your best! You will work with an extraordinary team to create applications using the newest and latest technologies. We hire talented coding professionals who are looking to advance their careers. You will have the most opportunities to grow and develop your career while using the skills that you have obtained thus fa
Ищу специалиста в области разработки под мобильные приложения. Нужно написать проект для Andiroid и iOS. B
7reasons is a start-up in Moldova with a vast experience of software development in Europe. We are looking for clever minds who are eager to deepen their knowledge and develop professionally together with us by working on new and existing projects. Requirements: - advanced knowledge of PHP, HTML, Javascript, MySQL; - application of web SOAP services and XML interfaces would be an advantage; - ability of working independently and also as a t
- Persoană energică! - Amabilă - Optimistă - comumiabilă Lucru în Oficiu!!! Mai multe detalii la telefon!
Работа в интерес ном интернет проекте Условия: Наличие компьютера/телефона и безлимитного интернета; Уверенный пользователь ПК и интернета; Комуникабельность, График работы свободный; 2-4 часа работы в день. Пишите на почту для подробностей. Может у вас уже есть свой проект и нужна хорошая реклама?С соотвествующей темой.
1. Backend - OOP, Design Patterns and Best practice deep knowledge - Java 11+ - SpringBoot, SpringMVC, SpringSecurity, GraphQL SpringBoot, - MongoDB, MongoTemplate, Morphia, GraphQL SPQR - GraphQL, HTTP(s) - Lombok, Apache POI - Junit, Mockito, GreenMail, JBehave, Cucumber - Maven, Git, Jenkins, docker 2. Frontend - Angular cli 8, Angular 8, Type Script, Angular Material, Bootstrap 4, Apollo Client - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, - npm, yarn - Karma
We are looking for a Back-End Web Developer responsible for managing the interchange of data between the server and the users. Your primary focus will be development of all server-side logic, definition and maintenance of the central database, and ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end. You will also be responsible for integrating the front-end elements built by your coworkers into the application. A basic und
We are hiring Front-End developer who will be responsible for ensuring the alignment of web design and user experience requirements, optimizing web pages for maximum efficiency and maintaining brand consistency across all web pages, among other duties. Front End Developers are required to work in teams alongside Back end Developers, Graphic Designers and User Experience Designers to ensure all elements of web creation are consistent. This requir
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