IT, Программирование
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We're looking for a PHP developer, for our team. Necessary experience: +5 year Your responsibilities will be: - Developing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and WordPress application pages according to project requirements. - Redesigning the application pages according to client requirements. - Resolving bugs. - Enhancements of existing functionality or features of modules. If you're interested on this vacancy, email your CV on
Ищем программиста в команду. Главное – базовые навыки и желание учиться. Работа в оффисе. Интересная работа, дружная команда. Требования к кандидату: 1) Знание PHP, MySQL, JavaScript (JQuery),HTML. 2) Ответственность 3) Желание развиваться и совершенствоваться Шлите резюме на
ООО “Байскилз”, партнер компании Skillbox, лидера рынка онлайн-образования, открывает офис в Молдове. Более 60,000 выпускников Skillbox освоили современные профессии и были трудоустроены в лучшие компании. Команда и технологии Skillbox делают онлайн-обучение увлекательным и эффективным. А миссия компании – рост доходов граждан страны. Обязанности: Организация, координация и контроль деятельности компании; Стратегическое планирование развития
avem nevoie de persoane care sa programeze si sa animeze personaje pentru companiea noastra face desenia animate pentru copii ati terminat scoala în Informatică și Tehnologii Informaționale sau inveti inca sunati si aflati mai multe detalii
avem nevoie de persoane care sa programeze si sa animeze personaje pentru companiea noastra face desenia animate pentru copii ati terminat scoala în Informatică și Tehnologii Informaționale sau inveti inca sunati si aflati mai multe detalii
Обязанности: • Ремонт вычислительной техники (ноутбуки, планшеты, телефоны, компьютеры). • Настройка и установка программного обеспечения. • Установка сети и настройка сетевого оборудования. • Выезды к клиентам компании. Мы предлагаем: • Работа в стабильной и развивавшейся компании. • Официальное трудоустройство. • Неограниченные возможности для самореализации, прозрачные перспективы. профессионального и карьерного роста. • График рабо
Требуемые знания: - PHP/MySQL - MVC/ООП - HTML/CSS - JS/jQuery Будет большим плюсом знаниe следующих технологий: React, Vue.js, Laravel, Smarty, Nginx, Apache Обязанности: - Разработка новых проектов - Доработка существующих проектов (добавление функционала/исправление ошибок) - Интеграция сайтов с внешними системами по API (JSON/SOAP/XML); - Расширение функционала различных веб приложений написания модулей и плагинов - Участие в
DRUPAL DEVELOPER- REMOTE POSITION If you are a Drupal Developer with 4+ years experience, please read on! Located in Toronto, Canada, we are a digital marketing firm with perfect solutions that finds our clients winning in their own industry. We are looking for a Drupal developer who eats, sleeps, and has a passion for Drupal! Requirements: 4+ years experience with Drupal Drupal / Drupal API / Drupal 7 / Drupal 8 Package management
Incepem anul cu recrutarea colegilor noi! Compania RTS invită PHP-devoloper pentru a se alătura echipei existente. Candidații care intrunesc conditiilor de mai jos pot expedia CV pe adresa electronică: hr(at) Competențe profesionale: Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: PHP5, JavaSciprt; Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: Framework Laravel 5 Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, Json, VueJS etc. ; Nivel avansat de cunoșt
Compania RTS invită PHP-devoloper pentru a se alătura echipei existente. Candidații care intrunesc conditiilor de mai jos pot expedia CV pe adresa electronică: office(at) Competențe profesionale: Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: PHP5, JavaSciprt, SQL (MySQL); Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: Framework Laravel 5 Nivelul mediu: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, RSS, Json, NodeJS etc. ; Posesia stilului de programare orientat pe obiect; Cunoaști
Partenerul oficial produselor 1C in Moldova, Compania «1C-Abandant Program» este in cautarea Programatorilor 1C Condiții: -Orele de muncă: de la 9-00 la 18-00; -Activitatea se desfășoară în biroul companiei; in centrul sect Botanica str. Aron Pumnul 133/1 sau part time; -Colectiv prietenos; -Salariu motivant; -Pachet social. -Sustinerea Examenului 1C Professional si 1C Specialist din contul companiei Responsabilități: -Lucru cu platf
About the Job: As a member of the Hot Software Team, you’ll bring practical knowledge of agile development methodologies and engineering best practices. As a Frontend Angular Developer, you’ll use your experience and skills to contribute to the quality and implementation of our software products for our customers. What You’ll Get to Do: Perform hands-on Front-End Development, write code and unit tests, do proof of concepts, conduct code
About the Job: As a member of the Hot Software Team, you’ll bring practical knowledge of agile development methodologies and engineering best practices. As a Frontend Angular Developer, you’ll use your experience and skills to contribute to the quality and implementation of our software products for our customers. What You’ll Get to Do: Perform hands-on Front-End Development, write code and unit tests, do proof of concepts, conduct code
Ищем нового коллегу в нашу замечательную команду. Если вы с нами ещё не знакомы, в двух словах о том что мы делаем: мы создаём для наших клиентов первоклассные креативные сайты. Технические требования у нас простые: - Angular -Уметь переводить дизайн из макетов (Figma, Sketch и др.) в красивый и правильный HTML/JS код, используя SCSS, ES6 и jQuery, WebGL. -Приветствуется опыт работы в GIT, знания Node.js, MySQL, Couchbase Обязанности:
Competențe profesionale: Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: PHP5, JavaSciprt, SQL (MySQL); Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: Framework Laravel 5 Nivelul mediu: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, RSS, Json, NodeJS etc. ; Posesia stilului de programare orientat pe obiect; Cunoaștinte in administrare de sisteme Linux și o înțelegere a modului în care funcționează sistemul; Abordare responsabilă a calității de scriere a codului sursă și a documentației tehni
Должностные обязаности: Поддержка и консультация пользователей, администрирование ПК на базе Windows 7-10 (установка и настройка ПО, диагностика отказов, поддержание работоспособности). Обеспечение работы (не ремонт) периферийных устройств и оборудования, МФУ, принтеров. Прием и фиксация обращений пользователей и хода решения в системе обработки письменных заявок. Контроль регламентов и сроков выполнения заявок. Возможность обучения: Постро
PHP Developer pentru a se alătura echipei existente. Candidatul ideal pentru noi: Experiență în dezvoltarea aplicațiilor web (cel puțin 1-3 ani); Experiență vastă cu PHP și SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL sau SQL Server); O bună înțelegere a Framework-lui Laravel și a modelelor de arhitectură a aplicațiilor; Cunoașterea de bază a conceptelor front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript); Posesia stilului de programare orientat pe obiect Experiență cu Git; E
Compania RTS invită PHP-devoloper pentru a se alătura echipei existente. Cerințe profesionale: • Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: PHP5, JavaSciprt, SQL (MySQL); • Nivel avansat de cunoștințe: Framework Laravel 5 • Nivelul avansat: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, RSS, Json, etc. ; • Posesia stilului de programare orientat pe obiect; • Cunoaștinte în administrare de sisteme Linux și o înțelegere a modului în care funcționează sistemul; • Aborda
Power IT is looking for Backend Developers. BENEFITS: A work place at your choice: office or the comfort of your own home; Competitive salaries and performance bonuses; Courses and trainings so you can enhance your skills are provided; Free tea, coffee included; WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING: Integration of elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic; Building reusable code and libraries for future use; Cloud co
We are looking for a full-time front-end developer! :) Say hi: If you’re proactive (you go after Trello tickets on your own), curious (you seek out challenges), and you want to work in a flat organization, where individual responsibility and ideas are more important than hierarchies and positions. Our stack is JS/Node/Express/MongoDB for the backend and Pure HTML/(s)CSS/JS/jQuery for the frontend clients. As a frontend developer, we need y
We are looking for a full-time back-end developer! :) Say hi: If you’re proactive (you go after Trello tickets on your own), curious (you seek out challenges), and you want to work in a flat organization, where individual responsibility and ideas are more important than hierarchies and positions. Our stack is JS/Node/Express/MongoDB for the backend and Pure HTML/(s)CSS/JS/jQuery for the frontend clients. As a backend developer, we need you
At Your Company In Estonia, we are looking for our CTO. Say hi: If you’re proactive (you go after Trello tickets on your own), curious (you seek out challenges), and you want to work in a flat organization, where individual responsibility and ideas are more important than hierarchies and positions. Our stack is JS/Node/Express/MongoDB for the backend and Pure HTML/(s)CSS/JS/jQuery for the frontend clients. You should know all these technol
You are going to work on interesting products for the biggest cruise companies tremendously improving guests and crew experience and helping them feel happy and excited using our apps. The projects are complex which require skills and a sharp mind to succeed. The projects are challenging and complex which require skills and a sharp mind to succeed . If it sounds like you we will be happy to see you onboard! Requirements: - you have at leas
Responsabilitate; Capacitate de a învăța lucruri noi; Cunoaștere a limbilor Română, Rusă și Engleză la nivel avansat; Gîndire analitică și critică; Abilități înalte de comunicare și negociere; Capacități de bun organizator; Monitorizare și documentare a timpului de implicare în proiecte a echipei; Comunicare periodică cu clienții și echipa de implementare a proiectelor; Recrutare a noilor angajați conform necesităților; Experientă Agil
Who We Are Infinity Labz is a boutique digital transformation consultancy headquartered in Chișinău. Since 2018 we have been helping international companies and established brands reimagine their business by building impactful digital engineering solutions powered by the latest technologies. Position Description We are looking for a Java Developer to build highly scalable, quality software that is easy to evolve and use. The product
Compania Infinity Labz SRL angajează WordPress Developer experimentat și entuziast care sa se alature echipei noastre IT Asteptari: - Cunoașterea și întelegerea ultimelor tendinte din industrie si sisteme de gestionare a continutului Responsabilitati: - Implementarea de noi caracteristici; - Introducerea de teme si pluginuri pentru WordPress; - Crearea si intretinerea formatului site-ului; - Gestionarea tuturor aspectelor tehnice ale SMC.
Project industry: online free television. It is a leading free streaming TV service from USA, delivering 250+ live and original channels and thousands of on-demand movies in partnership with major TV networks, movie studios, publishers, and digital media companies. End Customer Timezone: PT Our Customer Timezone: Belarus (team will work in Belarusian timezone) Our current team: 48 people; many different departments; mobile, frontend, backen
Project industry: online free television. It is a leading free streaming TV service from USA, delivering 250+ live and original channels and thousands of on-demand movies in partnership with major TV networks, movie studios, publishers, and digital media companies. End Customer Timezone: PT Our Customer Timezone: Belarus (team will work in Belarusian timezone) Our current team: 48 people; many different departments; mobile, frontend, backen
Project industry: online free television. It is a leading free streaming TV service from USA, delivering 250+ live and original channels and thousands of on-demand movies in partnership with major TV networks, movie studios, publishers, and digital media companies. End Customer Timezone: PT Our Customer Timezone: Belarus (team will work in Belarusian timezone) Our current team: 48 people; many different departments; mobile, frontend, backen
Companie din SUA angajează specialist in AutoCAD. Compania se ocupa de crearea planurilor pentru alarma antiincendiu. Se oferă training, dar practica in domeniu de planificare antiincendiu este de dorit. Plata se oferă pe proiect.
Companie cu capital strain anunta concurs pentru ocuparea postului vacant: programator 1C Cerinte: -studii superioare de profil - experiență într-un post similar de minim 1 an -certificare 1C (reprezintă avantaj) -cunoștințe temeinice a platformei 1C: Întreprindere 8 – componente și mecanisme -abilități de programare în vederea elaborării programelor 1C: Întreprindere 8 -abilități de comunicare și prezentare în limbile română şi rusă -
Se cauta persoana dinamica ,implicata , serioasa cu experienta demonstrabila de back-end si front-end pentru colaborare de lunga durata pe diferite proiecte , se ofera salariu atractiv si diferite bonificatii.
DS provides revolutionary solutions to business problems using computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. We take novel approaches to identifying and eliminating corporate inefficiencies. Through workflow and data analysis to the algorithm development, Deeper Systems implements technological innovations to all business aspects. The aim of the role is to squeeze out every stage of deep learning codes’ performance through ap
Hot Software is a fast growing company, one of the directions is development of its own product: in the software development, design and optimisation. The QA technician role plays an important part in our company’s product development process. Our ideal candidate will be responsible for conducting tests before product launches to ensure software runs smoothly and meets client needs, while being cost-effective. If you hold an engineering back
Hot Software is a fast growing company, one of the directions is development of its own product: in the software development, design and optimisation. The QA technician role plays an important part in our company’s product development process. Our ideal candidate will be responsible for conducting tests before product launches to ensure software runs smoothly and meets client needs, while being cost-effective. If you hold an engineering ba
.NET web developer GHESAR LLC is looking to hire an experienced .NET developer to work for a domestic and foreign customer. A successful candidate will work on ASP.NET web application for different industry. Tasks include web front-end development, server-side development, MS SQL Server database development, integration tasks and general project support and bug-fixing. Required skills: - Spoken English - Experience with C# and ASP.NET - Go
Căutăm: - un web developer cu o cunoaștere perfectă a HTML, CSS și JavaScript -un front-end developper - un full stack developper Pentru un job freelance sau part time, numai în București pentru că această lucrare nu se poate face corect de la distanță. cazare în București asigurată Vă rugăm să trimiteți CV-ul dvs. prin e-mail la:
Căutăm: - un web developer cu o cunoaștere perfectă a HTML, CSS și JavaScript -un front-end developper - un full stack developper Pentru un job freelance sau part time, numai în București pentru că această lucrare nu se poate face corect de la distanță. cazare în București asigurată Vă rugăm să trimiteți CV-ul dvs. prin e-mail la:
Ведение сайта интернет-магазин продажа смартфонов игровых приставок и прочих гаджетов .работа удаленное трудоустройство официально. Сайт
EWP Consulting is looking for a Head of the Office for an international Company Job Description As the Head of our new Moldova office, you will build and lead a strong, dedicated team that can develop and maintain high-performance solutions. Collaborating seamlessly with our main office at Cyberjaya, you will create a workforce that will be the core of our trading services. Your efficient management of people, processes, and resources will enh
Необходимые навыки — Good understanding of testing approaches and practices — Readiness for business trips (this work in Bucharest now) — Interested in communication protocol and log analysis — Clever, self-motivated, self-learning and self-driving, strong communication and interpersonal skills — Good spoken English, clear written English — Familiar with mobile phone operation and functions — Familiar with defect management Будет плюсом
Requirements 1. 1+ years of experience in Android development 2. Solid knowledge about Java/Kotlin 3. Solid knowledge about Android SDK 4. Good knowledge of Git 5. Familiarity with Android Studio Instruments is an advantage 6. Experience with Unit tests 7. Worked with outside data sources and APIs Benefits 1. A perfect environment for personal and professional growth 2. Challenging projects 3. Cozy office space in the heart of th
Requirements 1. 1+ years of experience in iOS development 2. Strong knowledge of SWIFT 3. Experience with Objective-C 4. Good knowledge of Git 5. Good knowledge of English 6. Experience with Unit tests 7. Experience with Web services 8. Familiarity with Xcode Instruments is an advantage Benefits 1. A perfect environment for personal and professional growth 2. Challenging projects 3. Cozy office space in the heart of the city (ne
Requirements 1. 1. Knowledge of JavaScript. 2. Experience with React in production. 3. Understanding React Hooks. 4. Experience with CSS Sass preprocessor. 5. Knowledge and understanding of RESTful APIs. 6. Experience with Redux. 7. Experience in writing tests. 8. TypeScript knowledge and Knowledge *GraphQL. Benefits 1. A perfect environment for personal and professional growth 2. Challenging projects 3. Cozy office space in the
Este nevoie de programator Java de nivel Middle+. Experienta de lucru cu Java 6. Proiectul la care se va lucra este deja in production si este scris pe Java 6. Este nevoie de adaugat functionalitati noi (lucru pe 1 an minim). Limba engleza - cunostinte elementare. Lucru remote sau in oficiu. Salariu atractiv.
Работа на дому. Удаленная отчетность. Обладание профессиональными навыками программирования ведение сайта
Este nevoie de programator Java de nivel Middle+. Experienta de lucru cu Java 6. Proiectul la care se va lucra este deja in production si este scris pe Java 6. Este nevoie de adaugat functionalitati noi (lucru pe 1 an minim). Limba engleza - cunostinte elementare. Salariu atractiv.
Опыт настройки Яндекс Директ - очень желательно. Приветствуется: Опыт в следующих видах работ: - наполнение сайтов - SMM - настройка Google Ads - работа с Яндекс Метрикой и Google Аналитикой
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