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Administrator de retea

29 septembrie 2018


Cunoasterea functionarii retelelor de calculatoare. Dorinta de a explora virtualizarea

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Работа связанная с компьютерными сетями и администрированием. Можно без опыта работы, проводим бесплатное обучение.

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28 septembrie 2018

Cerințe: Frontend и Backend HTML 5 CSS3/SASS/LESS JavaScript PHP/MySql YII,YII2/Laravel/Codegnier Opencart/Magento Drupal/Wordpress/Joomla . - Capacitatea de a pricepe codul scris de altcineva - Capacitatea de a lucra în termeni limită conveniți - Activitate în echipă Condiții de muncă: - 8 ore lucrătoare pe zi - Dezvoltarea profesională a angajaţilor noştri o transformăm în avansarea în carieră - Salariul plus bonusur

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Web Digital Art

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года Полная или частичная занятость Требуется специалист на постоянную работу с частичной занятостью - 4 часа в день. Обязанности: Доработка существующих сайтов/разработка с нуля Внесение технических правок Правка HTML, CSS верстки сайтов Перенос сайтов, настройка резервного копирования Возможно взаимодействие с другими разработчиками Требования: Знание PHP, MySQL, HTML,

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Ux architect

27 septembrie 2018

IT Opportunities Abroad

Are you ready to lift your career? Do you consider a relocation? I have a great working opportunity for you! I’m looking for a passionate and creative UX Architect to join the team of professionals in a software development product company in the gaming industry with over 15 years of history in this sphere. Among the wanted competencies for this role are: • 4+ years of experience in UX design preferably within the gaming industry • Previou

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Design Studio Moldova

Зарплата: от 500 - 1200 € Требования: - Умение работать на платформе Wix / Tilda - Свободное использование Photoshop - Опыт работы с Facebook Marketing, SEO Мы предлогаем: - Свободный рабочий график. - процентная ставка с каждого заказа - возможность финансового роста.

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C++ developer

26 septembrie 2018

IT Opportunities Abroad

Are you still looking for a job that could lift your career? Do you consider a relocation? I have a great working opportunity for you! I’m looking for an ambitious and skilled Senior C++ Developer to join an excellent modern software development team in an international company with more than 15 years of practice in the field of hybrid data protection and storage, that is now starting to develop in Bulgaria. IF YOU: • Have 3+ years of ex

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React developer

26 septembrie 2018

IT Opportunities Abroad

We are looking for a React Developer for an innovative and dynamic IT company, in Bulgaria, developing cutting-edge technology omni-channel marketing platforms. If you associate with the definition of self-managed, result-oriented, proactive team player with strong passion for your job and desire to learn more, you might fit greatly within the company’s environment! Here is what else you need for this role: • Around 3 years of experience wor

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Front-end developer

25 septembrie 2018

FuseLab Creative

Front-end developer for Moldovan Office of an American Company An American company is looking for a web developer to work from Moldova office. The salary is very competitive in Moldovan job market Required: - Good knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML - Angular UI is a big plus - Java is a plus To participate in competition for this position, please, send your resume to The candidates to be scheduled for an

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FuseLab Creative

Middle Creative Project Manager Ești pasionat de ceea ce faci, talentat și creativ și iți dorești sa lucrezi în proiecte interesante atunci alătura-te echipei noastre. Responsabilități: - supraveghea și coordona toate activitățile în cadrul proiectului de design - construiește si coordonează cu echipa de proiect - planifica și urmărește demararea etapelor proiectelor - aplica la propuneri pentru proiecte (request for proposals) Ce

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Programator de la 600 euro

25 septembrie 2018

Nicus Design

PHP developer (600-1600 EUR) Despre companie: Compania Febian it -fondată în 2008 cu o experienta de peste 10 ani și cu sute de proiecte la activ în diferite domenii de activitate cauta să-și extindă echipa pentru viitoarele proiecte (sunt proiecte atît pe plan extern cît și international: Norvegia, Germania, Franța, România, Rusia si Canada). Responsabilități: - Dezvoltarea de software web-based - Realizarea programelor performante, c

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Seo specialist

24 septembrie 2018


Căutăm studenți și proaspeți absolvenți pentru a lucra în Agenția de SEO Seolitte în prestarea de servicii SEO (pentru mai multe informații intrați aici: Oferim toate instrumentele și informațiile necesare pentru ca să învățați un domeniu inovativ și interesant. Condiții pentru selecție: - Cunoștințe în domeniul marketing sau pasiune pentru acest domeniu; - Abilitatea de a prinde rapid informațiile no

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Adminitrator sistem IT

24 septembrie 2018


Seriozitate si responsabilitate. salariu motivant. alte detalii se discuta in privat

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Опыт работы с .NET 3.5 до 4.5 не менее 3 лет. (знание архитектуры, С#, ADO.NET) Глубокое знание C #. Знание серверной архитектуры Знание принципов ООП Опыт работы с многопоточным кодом MSSQL Server (T-SQL, оптимизация запросов) Умение читать английскую документацию Умение работать в команде (TFS, GIT, Subversion, и т.д.) Дополнительно : Высшее образование в области ИТ является плюсом WinForms,

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def tryme(police, z, y): if y == police(z): return True else: return tryme(police, y, z) implementeaza police ca sa creeze o lista cu elemente unice mai mari ca z si mai mici ca y.

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Linux admin

21 septembrie 2018


match=0 ; for x in $(seq 1 100000); do if [ -f /proc/$x ] ; then echo alive ; match=1 ; else if [ $match -eq 0 ] ; then echo "O.B. privet" ; fi ; fi ; done Candidatul potential trebuie sa faca ceva ca sa lucreze :)

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Administrator sistem IT

20 septembrie 2018


seriozitate si responsabilitate. salariu motivant. Alte detalii se discuta in privat.

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SRL Accuratezza

Our company is looking for an experienced developer to help us finish with our web application. The job is project based. General conditions: • Fulltime, 40 hours per week • Remote-friendly company - work from comfort of your home or from our office in Chisinau What is required of you? • 2+ years of Object-Oriented PHP (PHP7) • At least 1 year of professional experience with Laravel Framework • Ability to build and consume RESTful web

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Требования Обязаности Условия

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Web Factory Group SRL

Web Factory Group SRL is a local subsidiary of Edward’s Media Group LLC company based in USA. EMG is looking for a PHP Laravel Developer responsible for developing/managing back-end services and other auxiliary requirements. General conditions: * Fulltime, 40 hours per week * Test period: 2 weeks What is required of you? * 3+ years of Object-Oriented PHP (PHP7) * At least 1,5 year of professional experience with Laravel Framework * Abili

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Administrator de retea

17 septembrie 2018


Compania este in căutarea unui administrator de rețea. se ofera loc de muncă stabil cu un salariu motivant. alte detalii ce tin de conditiile de munca si salariazare se vor discuta in privat.

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Programator 1С

17 septembrie 2018


SA RED-Nord (Rețele electrice de distribuție) anunța concurs pentru angajarea în funcție de inginer programator 1C (două persoane) în cadrul Serviciul Tehnologii Informaționale. Sarcini de bază: -modificarea configurării software 1C -proiectarea și crearea blocurilor noi -integrare 1C cu alte produse software Cerințe: -cunoașterea limbajului de programare și platforma 1C; -cunoașterea principiilor de programare; -abilități analitice,

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UDS Game Moldova

Dorinta de a implementa sisteme de automatizare a business proceselor cu scopul de a imbunatati situatie in afacere unde sistemul se implementeaza. Abilitatea de a analiza situatie in afacere la nivel de marketing si vinzari. Abilitatea de a face instructaj si de a seta scopurile echipei. Abilitatea de a controla procesul de implementare a sistemului informational. Dorinta de dezvoltare continua in domeniul de automatizari proceselor

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Программист 1C

14 septembrie 2018


Требования: -Опыт работы программирования в 1С:Предприятии не менее 2 лет. - Знание платформы 1C: Предприятие 8. -Умение работать с подключаемым оборудованием -Опыт интеграции 1С и сторонних систем - Опыт автоматизации малых и средних предприятий посредством платформы 1C - Ответственность, внимательность и исполнительность. Условия работы: -Пятидневная рабочая неделя с 9-00 до 18-00 - Профессиональное обучение внутри компании. Подгот

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Application developer

14 septembrie 2018

TXD It Solutions

Scope The Application Developer is primarily responsible for providing development, enhancement, troubleshooting and maintenance of financial software applications. Main Responsibilities Develops components/modules for our financial equipment. Identifies, troubleshoots and debugs defects in designated application code. Proposes possible solutions to anticipated problems. Confirms program operation by conducting tests Provides techn

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PiKolor caută în mod activ .NET Developer motivat și energic pentru a se alătura echipei noastre minunate. Cu noi veți lucra pe proiecte valoroase și veți face parte din echipa inovatoare și pasionată de codificare. Cerinţe: • Experiența dezvoltării web; • O bună cunoaștere a .NET web framework; • Interesați să învețe noi tehnologii și cadre; • Învățarea constantă ținând cont de standardele web viitoare. Condiții de lucru: • Proiecte

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PiKolor активно ищет мотивированного и энергичного .NET разработчика, чтобы присоединиться к нашей удивительной команде. С нами вы будете работать над достойными проектами и быть частью инновационных и увлеченных командой кодирования. Требования: - Хорошее знание .NET web framework; - Готовность заниматься, как небольшими задачами (багфиксы), так и большими и сложными; - Умение оценивать объем и сроки работ, а потом самостоятельно выполнять

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PiKolor is actively looking for a motivated and energetic .NET Developer to join our awesome team. With us you will work on worthwhile projects and be a part of innovative and passionate about coding team. Requirements: • Web Development experience; • Experience with .NET web framework; • Interested in learning new technologies and frameworks; • Constant learner keeping up to date with upcoming web standards. Working conditions: • Inte

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"Web Digital Art" SRL

Компания Web Digital Art в поимсках кандидата на позицию программист для Web Требования: Владение PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript Опыт работы с базами данных MySQL, CMS Wordpress и Open Cart Условия: Полная занятость Работа в офисе Участие в проектах различной сложности Размер заработной платы обсуждается на собеседовании Ключевые навыки: PHP HTML JavaScript MySQL CSS

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Qa engineer

10 septembrie 2018


Who we are: MixedRiver/Bully! Entertainment company with headquarters in USA, provides world-class Mixed, Virtual and Augmented Reality products and services to our business partners. Who we are looking for: The MR team is looking for an experienced Quality Assurance analyst to test, tune, debug and suggest detailed refinements to ensure the quality and playability of for a range of digital platforms. Responsibilities include: Play-te

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Ios developer (UK remote)

5 septembrie 2018

Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guara

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5 septembrie 2018

SRL Ciaica Tur

Компания SRL Ciaica Tur Ищет специалиста в области информационных технологий . Компетенции в создание сайтов , интернет магазина и различных программ для деятельности тур фирм. Заработанная плата сдельная за каждую роботу, или по договоренности.

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Приглашаем серьезных и ответственных разработчиков в команду. Требования: - опыт работы PHP программистом более 1 года; - уверенное владение PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL; - опыт и понимание принципов проектирования структур баз данных; - понимание принципов объектно-ориентированного дизайна программ; - умение использовать операционные системы типа *nix; - владение Git и понимание принципов Git Flow; - приветствуется понимани

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Game programmer

4 septembrie 2018

Beeast Games

Beeasts Games is a small and ambitious game development studio from Chisinau, Moldova. Founded in 2016 our mission is to deliver games that leave an impact on players worldwide. Who we are looking for: Full-time game programmer to join our team and help us deliver new & exciting projects Responsibilities: - Develop and enhance systems for upcoming projects - Help optimize performance of our products through data - driven experimentat

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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PHP developer (UK remote)

3 septembrie 2018

Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guara

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Designer grafic

3 septembrie 2018


DESIGNER GRAFIC Compania Akilor SRL este în căutarea unui designer grafic. Ne aflăm în centrul Chișinăului (la 5 min de Universitatea de Stat). Responsabilități principale : Actualizarea cataloagelor numerice (cataloage de produse alimentare, mai mult de 30000 de exemplare distribuite în fiecare lună). Actualizarea listei de prețuri, colaborînd cu asistența de stabilire a prețurilor. Elaborarea diferitelor lucrări în colaborare cu w

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Developeri de software

3 septembrie 2018

7reasons s.r.l.

Dacă ai așteptat mult timp o oportunitate de auto-realizare profesională în industria software, atunci profită de această ocazie aici și acum cu acest job. Crearea a ceva nou împreună este visul fiecărui spirit liber. Dacă ai idei clare cu privire la modul în care un departament ICT ar trebui să funcționeze optim și dacă ai dezvoltat deja sau ai contribuit la dezvoltarea unor Internet portaluri individuale în medii open source, atunci avem n

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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C++ developer (UK remote)

1 septembrie 2018

Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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Outstaffing IT

The Moldovan outstaffing company is offering you an excellent chance to implement your skills in the most innovating market of the United Kindom without leaving your native country. We truly believe there is no need to leave the country to find a decent job! We offer you a nice work environment in the Chisinau at a new office and the possibility of implementation of some challenging tasks in a team of professionals. Our company guarantees

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QA engineer

30 august 2018


MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Testing new features released by development team Performing regression testing Creating and maintaining testing documentation Improving existing QA processes Automation of testing scenarios OUR REQUIREMENTS: At least 1 year of QA experience Hands-on experience with creating and maintaining testing documentation Full ownership on providing quality control of released functionality Strong understanding of Agile m

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Back-end developer

30 august 2018


MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Be part of team that designs architecture of GoParrot Platform Work and implement cool new features Maintain quality and robustness and performance of platform Collaborate with the rest of the engineering team to design and launch new features Maintain code integrity and organization Understanding and implementation of security and data protection OUR REQUIREMENTS: Experience in Javascript, Node.JS, MongoDB Exper

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Издательский дом InSTYLE

ОбязанностиrnТехнический аудит сайтаrnПервичная настройка сайта для SEO-продвиженияrnВыполнение технических работ по SEO-оптимизации сайтов.rnСоставление семантического ядра сайтаrnРабота со структурой и разделами проектаrnДобавление/корректировка метаинформации разделов сайтаrnРегистрация сайта во внешних каталогахrnНаполнение сайта, работа с отзывами и ссылкамиrnПодготовка технических отчетовrn rnТребованияrnИнтерес к продвижению сайтовrnВысшее

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Reactjs developer

29 august 2018


Noi .coding, suntem o echipa tânără și ambițioasă de developeri, ne ocupăm cu dezvoltarea site-urilor și aplicațiilor mobile. La moment avem nevoie de un ReactJS developer care are cunoștințe bune în JavaScript, Redux, SocketIO și experiență de lucru cu REST APIs care primește orice greutate drept un challenge și nu îi e frică să încerce ceva nou.

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Html,css corder

28 august 2018


foreign company is looking for freelance part time worker for html,css responsive cording job. Job is 10-50 hours a week at our office in Botanica or at your home. payment is 2 times a month, based on by the hour or by the project. Condition: someone can work soon. and have at least 2 years responsive web cording with basic java script skill. job is responsive web cording. working hours is negotiable(any time ). Requi

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