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We: Founded in 2016, Labs Software SRL. is an evolving, fast growing company that helps organizations from all over the world to build great software. We optimize for change and teach next-generation developers to create and build solutions using state-of-the-art technologies and best practices. We are committed to open source and open standards. Right now, we use: NodeJS and Go for back end and Typescript/JavaScript for front end. Open-s

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Php middle developer

4 februarie 2019

Neosight Inc

Our team is looking for talanted developers. Requirements: - Deep knowledge of PHP7+ - Good knowledge of OOP and Design Patterns. - Great knowledge of Laravel or Symfony Responsibilities: - Development of BPM system from scratch Salary: 1000$ and more (after interview) e-mail: skype: viber or telegram: +380734094608

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We: Founded in 2016, Labs42 is an evolving, fast growing company that helps organizations from all over the world to build great software. We optimize for change and teach next-generation developers to create and build solutions using state-of-the-art technologies and best practices. We are committed to open source and open standards. Right now, we use: NodeJS and Go for back end and Typescript/JavaScript for front end. Open-source techn

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Java developer

1 februarie 2019

NetInfo srl

Минимальные требования: - Java SE, Hibernate - Знание и опыт работы с реляционными базами данных - Знание основ HTML, Javascript - Знание английского на уровне достаточным для понимания технической документации и переписки Будет преимуществом: - Java EE 8, JSF - Опыт разработки c использованием серверов приложений (Tomcat, Jboss, Wildfly, etc.) - Знание и опыт работы с MySQL, Oracle - Знание основ работы с Linux

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Front-end developer

1 februarie 2019

NetInfo srl

We are looking for an experienced React.js Front-End Developer to join our US Partner’s project. The project is aimed to build and maintain web, mobile and desktop texting platform. The project will employ latest cutting edge technologies and architectural approaches to guarantee that the technical solutions being built addresses the business requirements and match the Client’s standards. Expected from the candidates: • Good understandin

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Java back-end developer

1 februarie 2019

NetInfo srl

We are looking for an experienced Java Back-End Developer to join our US Partner’s project. The project is aimed to build and maintain web, mobile and desktop texting platform. The project will employ latest cutting edge technologies and architectural approaches to guarantee that the technical solutions being built addresses the business requirements and match the Client’s standards. Expected from the candidates: • Experience in Java EE,

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Ищем программиста в команду. Главное – базовые навыки и желание учиться. Работа в оффисе. Интересная работа, дружная команда. Требования к кандидату: 1) Знание PHP, MySQL, JavaScript (JQuery),HTML. 2) Ответственность 3) Желание развиваться и совершенствоваться Шлите резюме на

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Intelligent Contacts

US based company Intelligent Contacts is looking for a SIP engineer, in addition to our growing team in Chisinau. SIP engineer role and responsibility include: – Maintaing Asterisk and OpenSips configurations – Work with developers, designers and testers to deliver product enhancements. – Solve high priority customer issues and get the fixes deployed within a quick turnaround. - Document design and implementation details with the ability

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Artosis SRL (

Descrierea companiei: Căutați o companie care inspiră pasiunea, curajul și imaginația, puteți face parte dintr-o echipă ce creează viitorul comerțului electronic. Dacă sunteți interesat să vă alăturați unei companii Fintech care are ca scop crearea unui sistem de plata ambițios, vă puteți alătura Artosis SRL ( Cerințe pentru candidat: - Cunoștințe PHP (OOP/MVC), MySQL; - Cunoștințe HTML, XHTML, XML, AJAX; - Cunoștințe Ja

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Front end developer

28 ianuarie 2019

Требования: -уверенные знания HTML / CSS - умение работать с Bootstrap и похожими фреймворками - работа с SVG - уверенные знания Javascript - работа с Wordpress Что нужно делать: - разрабатывать Landing Page и промосайты с использованием качественной анимации ( WebGl, GreenSock и тд ) - разрабатывать другие сайты и интерфейсы ( как с нуля так и на основе фреймворков ) Плюшки: - Часовой обед в любое удобное время - Оплачиваемый отпу

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27 ianuarie 2019


Стабильно развивающейся компании требуются операторы. Требования: - знание ПК на уровне пользователя; - грамотная четкая речь; - умение общаться по телефону; - активность, стрессоустойчивость, ответственность. Обязанности: - консультирование клиентов по услугам компании - обработка входящих, исходящих вызовов; - заведение заявок в базе данных. Условия: - честная и привлекательная система мотивации; - комфортные условия труда; - возм

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Full stack developer. Html5, JavaScript, Google Api, .Net, SQL, AWS, SQL. Разработка web приложения с авторизировнным доступом по техзаданию. Обязательный русский разговорный и английский технический.

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Administrator retele IT

23 ianuarie 2019

Techno Test SRL

Cerinte/activitati: - cunostinte in gestionarea sistemului de operare Linux Ubuntu -configurare si gestionare echipament de retea ( router Mikrotik, s.a. ) -administrare server local -deservire calculatoare de oficiu ( instalare sistem de operare, profilaxie periodica) -gestionare site al companiei in baza platformei wordpress -consultarea personalului privind exploatarea corecta a calculatorului si echipamentelor periferice -instalarea s

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На постоянную работу для сопровождения и обслуживания программного продукта 1С 8+, под руководством опытного специалиста, коммерческой компании требуется работник. Требования: 1) Теоретические знания основ программирования; 2) Понимание основ процесса формирования алгоритма; 3) Способность к обучению; 4) Коммуникабельность; 5) Пунктуальность. Оплата договорная Если вы заинтересованы нашим предложением и соответствуете всем нашим требо

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C++ engineers

23 ianuarie 2019


Position for Middle-Senior candidates. Multiple positions. - Knowledge C++11/14 - Experience 3+ years - Knowledge of IPC, threads, intercommunication mechanism, synchronization primitives, low level networking programming, sockets. - Experience with git and bug tracking systems. - Knowledge of data structures and algorithms. - Knowledge of python would be a plus. - Experience in creating client/server app. -Experience in Windows prog

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React developer

22 ianuarie 2019


- Знание REACT JS/ REACT NATIVE - HTML5, CSS3 - Опыт работы с git Приветствуется опыт разработки мобильных приложений Конкретный размер з/п оговаривается с каждым кандидатом в зависимости от результатов собеседования Мы предлагаем - Работу в офисе - Официальную, стабильную з/п - Интересные проекты - Работу в молодом и дружном коллективе CV высылать на email:

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Android dev remote

21 ianuarie 2019


Este nevoie de realizat o aplicatie Andorid pentru functionalul unui site. Partea server si site-ul sunt deja functionale, comunicarea client server se va face prin REST API. Lucru este achitat per proiect, la moment acesta e urgent, dar sunt si alte proiecte interesante la care o sa puteti lucra. Lucra de acasa, se cere responsabilitate si respectarea termenilor de realizare. Puteti trimite CV-ul vostru si careva exemple din portofoliu(d

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Candidatul va avea ocazia să învețe timp de 3 luni. Pentru perioada de testare salariul va fi 5000 lei. După perioada de 3 luni salariul va fi revizuit după capacitățile și cunoștințele obținute. Nu căutăm candidați ideali, ne dorim doar să ai: • Cunoștințe de bază IT; • Cunoștințe minime limba engleză; • Abilităţi de comunicare; • Determinare și dorința de a crește profesional; Ai un CV gata? Expediază-l acum la

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KIV Technology Group

Developing the company's strategy for using technological resources. Ensuring technologies are used efficiently, profitably and securely. Developing own IT Dep Team. High knowledge in LARAVEL - PHP framework. Nice and friendly work environment .

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Responsabilitati: - Cautarea informațiilor specifice (imagini, fișiere pdf, etc.) pe internet precum și salvarea acestora în baza de date. - Gestionarea informațiilor existente (actualizarea și complectarea acestora). - Asimilarea informației noi despre mașinile de oficiu (printere, faxuri) precum și consumabilele folosite de acestea. Cerinte: - Limba Engleză - (scris/vorbit). - Abilități de operare PC avansat: • Web Browser. • Open

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Java developer (junior)

17 ianuarie 2019

CROZ Moldova

CROZ Moldova is currently looking for dynamic Java engineers to fill key positions in the developing local team. If you are interested in working on a team of professionals focused purely on business applications (banking and telco sectors) with a clear orientation and strong commitment to quality, please dont hesitate to contact us. General requirements are as follows: Proficient in Java, with a good knowledge of its ecosystems Solid unde

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Java developer (senior)

17 ianuarie 2019

CROZ Moldova

CROZ Moldova is currently looking for dynamic Java engineers to fill key positions in the developing local team. If you are interested in working on a team of professionals focused purely on business applications (banking and telco sectors) with a clear orientation and strong commitment to quality, please dont hesitate to contact us. General requirements are as follows: Proficient in Java, with a good knowledge of its ecosystems Excellent

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Java developer (middle)

17 ianuarie 2019

CROZ Moldova

CROZ Moldova is currently looking for dynamic Java engineers to fill key positions in the developing local team. If you are interested in working on a team of professionals focused purely on business applications (banking and telco sectors) with a clear orientation and strong commitment to quality, please dont hesitate to contact us. General requirements are as follows: Proficient in Java, with a good knowledge of its ecosystems Excellent

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AdsPro Tech

AdsPro Tech - активно развивающаяся компания, входящая в состав международного IT холдинга. Холдинг имеет несколько представительств на территории Европы, Америки, а также в странах СНГ. Центральный офис расположен в Чехии, в г. Прага. Основная сфера деятельности компании - интернет-маркетинг. В нашей работе мы используем прогрессивные технологии для работы с большими объемами данных, а также активно разрабатываем собственные платформы лидоген

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Front-end web developer

10 ianuarie 2019

Smart Data Solutions

We are looking for a Front-End Web Developer who is motivated to combine the art of design with the art of programming. Responsibilities will include translation of the UI/UX design wireframes to actual code that will produce visual elements of the application. You will work with the UI/UX designer and bridge the gap between graphical design and technical implementation, taking an active role on both sides and defining how the application looks a

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Editura ŞTIINŢA angajează Inginer, Administrator de Rețea Activitatea pe care o va desfăşura este: Deservirea calculatoarelor Administrarea si configurarea echipamentelor WAN/LAN Asigurarea dezvoltării rețelei, integrând în sistem echipamente și configurații noi Protejarea informației în retea, precum și securitatea traficului pe internet Abilitați de comunicare, analiză și sinteză, spirit de echipă Administrarea paginii WEB a Întreprind

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QA Engineer

9 ianuarie 2019

NetInfo srl

We are looking for an experienced QA Engineer to join our US Partner’s project. The project is aimed to build and maintain web, mobile and desktop texting platform. The project will employ latest cutting edge technologies and architectural approaches to guarantee that the technical solutions being built addresses the business requirements and match the Client’s standards. Expected from the candidates and responsabilities: • Previous experi

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Angajăm administrator al rețelelor sociale și a saitului în fabrica de confecții VESTITI. Salariu decent, pachet social, condiții de muncă perfecte. Se cere seriozitate puctualitate capacitatea de a lucra în colectiv creativitate inițiativă lucrăm luni-vineri 8.30-17.00. Telecentru str. Academiei 3/3

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Compania „QSystems” SRL elaboreaza produse software specializate care ofera clientilor avantaje competitive pe piața serviciilor financiare și a celor de plata. Responsabilitati:  Testarea Software-ului în conformitatea cu test-planul si sarcina tehnica;  Depistarea erorilor si esecurilor de lucru a software-lui;  Ridicarea calitatii software-ului elaborat. Abilitati:  Studii superioare în unul din domenii: IT, Economic sau Bancar;  A

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Dublu Efect

Компания "Dublu Efect" занимается B2B и B2C проектами. Мы в поисках специалистов в программировании (Front-End, Back-End или Full-Stack). Необходимы сотрудники со стремлением обучаться, работать и развиваться в нашем коллективе. ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К КАНДИДАТУ: - React / VueJS / Angular 4+ - Redux / Vuex - HTML5/CSS3 - NodeJS - JavaScript - jQuery 3.x - REST APIs - Bootstrap 4.x - Firebase API ПРЕДПОЧТИТЕЛЬНЫЕ НАВЫКИ : - Unit / feature tes

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Software developer

7 ianuarie 2019


New company in Moldova Medialink open new office and hiring for a new ITspecialists. About company: Please mark in CV that you are from Moldova. Candidate Profile Educated to degree level in related subject or able to demonstrate significant relevant experience. Experience and proficiency in a variety of software engineering processes and modern programming languages, with emphasis on C#. 3 years of

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FactoryPure. com is hiring an individual to work from home adding new products to our webstore using an online platform. Training will be provided, but the candidate needs to have excellent computer skills, access to a computer and internet, and English language fluency. The work hours are flexible, but you must be available during American work hours for the first few weeks of training since you will be managed through Skype from our office

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Compania SEOlium, startup din domeniul marketingului digital, este în căutarea unei persoane pentru postul de asistent SEO / specialist data entry. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acest job presupune și creșterea în carieră, de aceea se potrivește mai ales proaspeților absolvenți. Responsabilități: - evaluarea site-urilor în vederea stabilirii parteneriatelor - cău

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C++ developer windows

25 decembrie 2018


Middle - Senior position: — C/C++ __ C++11/14/17 — Office API/development — MFC — desirable, but not mandatory — STL — Boost — Windows development — Document formats (rtf, docx) — Text algorithms — English (written/oral)

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Operator tehnic

24 decembrie 2018

Amplica SRL

Cerințe față de angajat: - Cunoştinţe privind specificul serviciului de „găzduire web” (tipuri); - Cunoştinţe comenzi aferente serverelor de găzduire web:Linux/Unix(CentOS); - Cunoștințe privind funcționalitatea: Apache, Nginx, MySQL, DNS, servicii depoştă electronică; - Cunoştinţe funcţionare TLD (tipuri şi ciclul de viaţă); - Cunoştinţe/abilităţi de administrare şi oferire suport pentru clienţi prin intermediul unuia din panourile de admin

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Dev Experts Team

В международную команду в связи с активным ростом приглашается на полную занятость Web разработчик для работы над различными проектами в областях: - Legal Tech - Artificial Intelligence - Cognitive Science - Augmented Reality - Social Networks - Instant Messengers - Chat Bots Мы работаем удалённо с использованием научных подходов в организации дистанционной работы. Наша команда включает в себя специалистов из Германии

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Dev Experts Team

В международную команду в связи с активным ростом приглашается на полную занятость Frontend разработчик для работы над различными проектами в областях: - Legal Tech - Artificial Intelligence - Cognitive Science - Augmented Reality - Social Networks - Instant Messengers - Chat Bots Мы работаем удалённо с использованием научных подходов в организации дистанционной работы. Наша команда включает в себя специалистов из Гер

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19 decembrie 2018


Что мы готовы предоставить: -много интересной работы; Тел. 068555927 Анатолий

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Ищу помощника для своих проектов. , образование из области ИТ Интересы в жизни: открытый к новым знаниям Порядочный, ответственный, общительный. Требования: Знать javascript, практический опыт с Angular2+, опыт с React, Redux будет плюсом. Наличие своего макбука, необходимо работать с Xcode Обязанности: продолжать работать над функционалом мобильного приложения, написанного на Angular2+ (NativeScript), и другие текущие проекты Angular

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Responsabilitati: - Cautarea informațiilor specifice (imagini, fișiere pdf, etc.) pe internet precum și salvarea acestora în baza de date. - Gestionarea informațiilor existente (actualizarea și complectarea acestora). - Asimilarea informației noi despre mașinile de oficiu (printere, faxuri) precum și consumabilele folosite de acestea. Cerinte: - Limba Engleză - (scris/vorbit). - Abilități de operare PC avansat: • Web Browser. • Open

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Responsabilitati: - Cautarea informațiilor specifice (imagini, fișiere pdf, etc.) pe internet precum și salvarea acestora în baza de date. - Gestionarea informațiilor existente (actualizarea și complectarea acestora). - Asimilarea informației noi despre mașinile de oficiu (printere, faxuri) precum și consumabilele folosite de acestea. Cerinte: - Limba Engleză - (scris/vorbit). - Abilități de operare PC avansat: • Web Browser. • Open

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It system administrator

13 decembrie 2018


Job Summary • You will be responsible for monitoring, installing, update, configuring and repairing IT-infrastructure (servers, system applications, routers, switches). • Identify issues/errors, understanding/investigation and analyzing them, provide methods and solutions for various issues. • Keeping documentation of company hardwares and softwares. Requirements from the candidate • University Degree in computer science •

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Компания PRO-STORE

Основные обязанности: - Разработка на платформе 1C: Предприятие 8 в соответствии с тех.заданием и участие в разработке технических заданий; - Проектирование структуры данных в рамках платформы 1С: Предприятие 8; - Сопровождение и поддержка отраслевых решений программы 1С Предприятие 8; - Изменение конфигурации базы 1C: Предприятие 8. Требования: - Опыт работы; - Знание платформы 1C: Предприятие 8 (компоненты и механизмы действия); - Оп

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B&M Test S.R.L.

Compania “B&M Test” S.R.L. specializată în prestarea serviciilor de inspecție tehnică periodică a unităților de transport, anunță un concurs la ocuparea postului de Administrator al rețelei de calculatoare. Cerințe față de candidat: - Studii superioare de specialitate; - Experiență de muncă în domeniul sistemelor informaționale; - Cunoștințe în domeniu, privind baza de date SQL, Access, Internet HTML, JAVA Scipt, Windows, MS O

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One-time project to develop a simple game for Android and iOS. It should take about 10 days to create from start to finish, based on other developers' estimations. You would be working on the game from your personal computer. You'd have a free schedule to work but the project should be completed from scratch to finish within 3 weeks. You would be signing a contract focused on a non-disclosure agreement, author's rights, and other deta

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Grappex Software

At Grappex we craft awesome software for our clients. We architect, design and build iconic experiences, services and products that improve people’s lives. We are looking for a junior/intermediate .Net(or related technology) software engineer with strong knowledge in the field to join our team. Internship/training is also available for selected candidates. Requirements: • Passionate about crafting software • Basics of software developmen

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Кипрская компания MEDIALINK ищет новых опытных сотрудников для открытия нового офиса в Молдове. Присылайте свои СV ( ) указывая что вы из Молдовы О компании : Требуемые знания Вышее образование в области разработки ПО или возможность продемонстрировать соотвествующие знание и опыт Знания и опыт в различных разработках ПО и современных языках програмирования с акцентом на С# 3 года

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O companie din Cipru caută angajați noi, cu experiență, să deschidă un nou birou în Moldova, trimiteți CV-ul indicând că sunteți din Moldova ( ) Profilul candidatului Educat la nivel de diplomă în domeniu sau capabil să demonstreze o experiență semnificativă relevantă. Experiență și competență într-o varietate de procese de inginerie software și limbi de programare moderne, cu accent pe C #. 3 ani de experiență de

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6 decembrie 2018

Chișinău caută un specialist. Lucru și sarcini interesante și diverse vă vor ajuta să vă realizați abilitățile profesionale și să deveniți un specialist de primă clasă într-o echipă puternică Dacă puteți să atrageți oamenii cu textele voastre, construirea textului dvs. este logică și descrierea delicioasă vă invităm în echipă! Cerințe: -Abilitatea de a scrie conținut ușor de citit și ușor de înțeles; -Abilități excelente de gestiona

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Go developer

5 decembrie 2018

Enticon ищет Менеджера по продажам! Условия: - Достойная заработная плата - Перспектива роста в самом быстро развивающемся сегменте интернет-рекламы. - Полный рабочая занятость в офисе (ПН-ПТ 10.00-19.00) - Комфортные условия работы в офисе в центре города - Молодой дружный коллектив Обязанности: - Разработка сетевых компонентов на GO - Разработка парсеров текстовых и бинарных протоколов - Опыт внедрения С++ кода, реализация CGO

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