Все вакансии

PHP/Drupal Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Cerințe: Experiență solidă cu PHP (minim 3-5 ani): Oferi un fundament puternic în programarea orientată pe obiecte și cunoștințe avansate de PHP;  Experiență cu Laravel (minim 2-3 ani): Familiaritate cu framework-ul Laravel, inclusive componenta Eloquent ORM, Blade templating, Artisan CLI și middleware-uri;  Experiență cu Drupal 7-10: Drupal 7: Capacitatea de a lucra cu sistemul de module personalizate și actualizarea co

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Java Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


Responsibilities ⦁ Be part of a software development team.⦁ Maintain and enhance the existing products. ⦁ Participate in the development of new products.⦁ Provide qualitative support of the application. Requirements ⦁ Degree in computer and information technology.⦁ At least 1+ years of experience in Java EE, Servlets, Hibernate/JPA/JDBC, XML, REST. ⦁ Experience in SQL database development.⦁ Knowledge of OOP paradigms. ⦁ Understanding of client

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Системный Администратор

Актуализировано: вчера

Fors Computer
От 15 000 До 75 000 MDL

О компании:Компания FORS-Computer была создана в 1996 году. Мы поставляем IT-оборудование и решения корпоративным заказчикам. Среди наших клиентов — проекты USAID, структуры UN, Правительство Республики Молдова, учреждения образования, Посольства европейских стран, Посольство США, коммерческие структуры, крупные производственные компании и т.д. Среди областей нашей работы — создание различных ИТ-решений, тестирование, сервисное обслуж

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Analist/analistă securitatea sistemelor informaționale

Актуализировано: вчера

Responsabilități: Identifică, înregistrează și analizează incidentele de securitate cibernetică; Elaborează periodic rapoarte cu privire la incidentele de securitate cibernetică; Remediază incidentele legate de securitate apărute la sistemele și echipamentele de rețea; Desfășoară exerciții și antrenamente comune de consolidare a capacităților de reacție la atacuri cibernetice, inclusiv la blocarea atacurilor cibernetice; Respectă con

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Senior Linux - Network Administrator (2000 USD)

Актуализировано: вчера

2 000 USD

Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи.Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор на должность - Senior Linux - Network System Administrator. Ключевые обязанности: Обслуживание, мониторинг, настройка и устранение неисправностей серверов Linux; Установка новых версий программного обеспечения, обновлений систем

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Java Backend Developer (Mid, Senior)

Актуализировано: вчера

Next Generation Team

A fast growing company in enterprise application software development is looking for an experienced Frontend Developer to join their ranks.The company is expanding its offices in Italy and North Europe. The ideal candidate must be passionate and willing to learn cutting edge technologies. The successfull Frontend Developer applicant will:Required Skills Java REST Java Spring JPA Good English Languages Self motived and proactive Option

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Ищем в команду My English Planet творческого, креативного  и инициативного преподавателя на детские и подростковые  курсы по программированию Scratch, Roblox, Unity и Computer Science. Если Вы готовы делиться своими знаниями с детьми и воспитывать вместе с нами подрастающее ИТ-поколение - добро пожаловать в нашу команду!Требования: Педагогическое образование приветствуется; Желание и умение работать с детьми; Интерес к м

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IT Infra OPS Support Engineer

Актуализировано: вчера

Katoen Natie

Job Description: The primary role of the IT Infra OPS Support Engineer is providing 1st and 2nd level technical support towards professional users. You will be answering questions, analyzing problems, and come up with a solution for simple and complex incidents/problems. The IT problems are very diverse and challenging, from installing simple software to troubleshooting network or server performance.The team consists of 32 engineers which are loc

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IT Product Manager Internship

Актуализировано: вчера


Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи.Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор молодых специалистов по программе - PM Internship.О программе:PM Internship - это программа, которая позволяет молодым специалистам получить практические знания и опыт, а также дает возможность построить карьеру в международной IT-ко

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C/C++ Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


Responsibilities ⦁ Be part of a software development team.⦁ Maintain and enhance the existing products. ⦁ Participate in the development of new products.⦁ Provide qualitative support of the application. Requirements ⦁ Degree in computer and information technology.⦁ Knowledge of C/C++ programming language. ⦁ Knowledge of SQL database development.⦁ Understanding of client-server and service-based architectures. ⦁ Capacity for analysis and synthe

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Junior Java Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


Responsibilities ⦁ Be part of a software development team.⦁ Maintain and enhance the existing products. ⦁ Participate in the development of new products.⦁ Provide qualitative support of the application. Requirements ⦁ Degree in computer and information technology.⦁ Basic knowledge of Java programming language.⦁ Basic knowledge of OOP paradigms. ⦁ Basic knowledge of SQL database development. ⦁ Understanding of client-server and service-based ar

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Senior Full-stack (React / Node.js) Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


Proovia IT - Empowering the Future of Technology. In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of technology, Proovia IT stands at the forefront, delivering innovative and cutting-edge solutions to businesses. Whether it's developing a new website, launching a mobile application, or implementing a digital marketing campaign, we aim help organizations succeed in the digital world. Proovia IT is a team of experts who work closely with clients to

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DevOps Engineer

Актуализировано: вчера


Proovia IT - Empowering the Future of Technology. In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of technology, Proovia IT stands at the forefront, delivering innovative and cutting-edge solutions to businesses. Whether it's developing a new website, launching a mobile application, or implementing a digital marketing campaign, we aim help organizations succeed in the digital world. Proovia IT is a team of experts who work closely with clients to

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PHP Программист

Актуализировано: вчера

От 10 000 До 50 000 MDL

https://youtu.be/RAXvVw5wh-E Описание вакансииПриглашаем на работу веб-программистов (Back-End, Front-End, Full-Stack). Если вы хорошо разбираетесь в PHP, MySQL, HTML + CSS, Javascript и обладаете опытом работы – давай знакомится. Задачи для вас:Работа предполагает участие в масштабных проектах, требующих отличных организационных способностей и аналитических навыков, а также умения работать в динамичной команде. Вместе мы будем осуществл

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Programator 1C

Актуализировано: вчера

Vitra SRL

ViTRA SRL - Angajează Programator 1C Căutăm un programator 1C dedicat și experimentat pentru a se alătura echipei noastre la ViTRA SRL. Dacă ai experiență în dezvoltarea și personalizarea soluțiilor 1C, te invităm să aplici! Responsabilități: Dezvoltarea și personalizarea soluțiilor software 1C conform cerințelor companiei. Mentenanța și optimizarea modulelor existente în 1C. Suport tehnic pentru utilizatorii 1C din cad

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Senior Python Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


WE ARE AMDARISWe fuse together exceptional talent who deliver outstanding software solutions in our blended model of resources across Europe.We are growing aggressively and we are now looking for a Senior Python Developer to embark on an international project and work with the latest technologies alongside the brightest minds in a collaborative and energetic work environment. We are offering stimulating salaries plus a great range of benefits, i

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QA Engineer (Gamedev)

Актуализировано: вчера

Avantaj Prim
18 000 MDL

Основные задачи: Проводить ручное тестирование приложений; Составлять требования к тестированию; Создавать и поддерживать тестовую документацию (тест планы, тест кейсы); Предоставлять сроки выполнения задач и график тестирования руководителю проекта; Участвовать в рассмотрении концепции дизайна и планировании проекта; Планирование и поддержка активностей релиза; Помощь команде разработчиков; Основные требования: Опыт работы в качес

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Administrator baze de date

Актуализировано: вчера

Sarcini și responsabilități: Instalarea, configurarea sistemelor de gestiune a bazelor de date; Administrarea, monitorizarea bazelor de date; Elaborarea şi monitorizarea procedurilor privind importul / exportul / actualizarea datelor; Participarea la implementarea de noi sisteme, servicii şi aplicaţii; Planificarea, coordonarea și implementarea măsurilor de securitate, reglementarea accesului la bazele de date și prevenirea intervențiilor

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15 000 MDL

Sunteți interesat de faptul cum funcționează anumite sisteme electronice și doriți să deveniți un bun profesionist în domeniul respectiv? Aveți abilități de reparație a dispozitivelor și puteți diagnostica defecțiunile acestora? Doriți să activați într-o companie mare, stabilă, în cadrul unui colectiv primitor și inteligent? Atunci dvs. sunteți persoana de care avem nevoie, pentru a suplini funcția de Maistru (Inginer) reparaț

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Specialist Tehnic 1 C junior 21000 brut

Актуализировано: вчера

Profmet Grup SRL
21 000 MDL

Ești pasionat de tehnologie și ai experiență cu sistemul 1C? Alătură-te echipei noastre dinamice la PROFMET ca Specialist Tehnic 1C Junior și contribuie la optimizarea și eficientizarea proceselor noastre interne.Responsabilități: Vei Modifica și configura rapoartele, procesele utilizatorilor și drepturilor de acces 1C; Vei colecta cerințele și vei transmite specificațiile tehnice către dezvoltatori; Vei dezvolta instrucțiuni pentr

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3D Modeling (10 000 - 25 000 mdl)

Актуализировано: вчера

Midnight Works
От 10 000 До 25 000 MDL

Compania Midnight Works își lărgește echipa de profesioniști! Responsabilități: Crearea si texturarea modelelor 3D Cooperarea cu designerii și programatorii pentru precizarea cerințelor funcționale și tehnice față de contentul 3D Cerințe: Cunoașterea pachetelor Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, Zbrush, Substance, Marvelous, Photoshop Aptitudini bune de modelare high și low-poly, texturare și animare Experiență de lucru c

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Консультант (Эксперт) 1С

Актуализировано: вчера

Vipasoft SRL

VIPASOFT поможет выбрать подходящую конфигурацию 1С, разработать правильную стратегию запуска, проконтролировать процесс ведения учета. Наша цель – автоматизировать все рутинные процессы на предприятиях для улучшения качества обслуживания клиентов наших партнеров и повышению эффективности их деятельности.Кого мы ждем в команду? активного человека с желанием развиваться и получать новый опыт; знающего основы бухгалтерского уче

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Programator PHP

Актуализировано: вчера


Ești programator PHP și cauți de lucru? Avem o ofertă pentru tine! Îți oferim: un birou chiar în centrul capitalei ușor accesibil din orice zonă a orașului; salariul plătit la timp; oportunitatea de a fi implicat în diverse proiecte ca să poți mereu învăța ceva nou și să ții pasul cu timpul; ceai, cafea, un mediu plăcut și o echipă unită astfel încît să te simți bine acolo unde vii să lucrezi. Ne aște

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Big Data Engineer

Актуализировано: вчера

Global Database

About Global Database: Global Database is the market leader in business intelligence, providing company information through our online platform and integrated workflow solutions. Whether you are looking for business leads, company financial information, credit risk or to get an insight about which technology a company is using, Global Database provides a unified platform to cover everything.More about our data: https://www.globaldatabase.com/our

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VueJS Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Tara Interactive

Main responsibilities: Responsible for front end development of web-based applications using VueJS. Will work with a team of software engineers to write, test, integrate, and troubleshoot software applications and should have extensive experience working within enterprise development environments. Develops software solutions by studying information needs, conferring with users, studying systems flow, data usage, and work processes; investigat

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Graphic Designer (Remote Opportunity)

Актуализировано: вчера


A UK-based digital marketing group is hiring in Moldova. We have developed and released a number of successful projects in the digital marketing & online gaming space and are on a mission to strengthen our creative production team. We are looking to hire a graphic designer to work with our marketing team.Responsibilities will include but not be limited to: Preparing digital assets for interactive deliverables such as websites and landing

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Frontend (Shopify) Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


From strategy to store development and marketing: our partner supports businesses holistically on their journey into the digital world. That’s precisely why they keep an eye on current trends and developments in e-commerce every day. All this makes them an expert e-commerce agency in the NL, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.Responsibilities Develop and optimize Shopify Plus stores to meet client specifications and enhance user experienc

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Front End Developer (React / Next.js)

Актуализировано: вчера


We are looking for a React.js Developer to build end to end business solutions. Our requirements: 2+ years of experience with React.js Proficiency with HTML, CSS, Typescript and JavaScript Experience with React Hooks and Redux, Gatsby Familiarity with RESTful APIs Your duties: Develop new user-facing features Develop functional and reusable components using React Build reusable and efficient code and libraries for future use Ensur

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Front End Developer (React / Next.js) de la 15.000 Lei

Актуализировано: вчера

15 000 MDL

Cautam un coleg ambitios, care se va alatura unei echipe entuziaste care obtine performante remarcabile in fiecare luna! Responsabilități: Dezvoltarea de noi funcționalități pentru platformele noastre de turism Construirea de cod reutilizabil pentru utilizări viitoare Colaborarea cu alți membri ai echipei și părțile interesate Respectarea termenelor și a deadline-urilor stabilite Cerințe: Minim 1 an de experiență în dezvoltare

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Business Process Developer (1000 USD)

Актуализировано: вчера

1 000 USD

Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи.Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор на должность - Business Process Developer. Ключевые обязанности: Управление компонентами платформы Bitrix/CRM - работа с модулями; Анализ и оценка текущих бизнес процессов и формирование предложений по их улучшению; Выявление п

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Graphic Designer (middle / advanced)

Актуализировано: вчера


Oferim: Un mediu de lucru plăcut și dinamic; Oportunitatea de a te dezvolta profesional; Salariu competitiv. Regim de lucru:  Luni-vineri, 9.00-18.00. Oficiu: str. M. Sadoveanu 42/6. Cerințe: Studii superioare de specialitate; 2-5 ani de experiență în design grafic sau domenii conexe; Abilități software: cunoștințe în programele Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) și altele, precu

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UI/UX Designer (10000 - 35000 mdl)

Актуализировано: вчера

Midnight Works
От 10 000 До 35 000 MDL

Echipa Midnight Works angajează un nou coleg care i se va alătura în calitate de UI/UX mobilegames Designer. Responsabilități: Crearea design-urilor originale UI/UX pentru jocuri Definirea și dezvoltarea unor design-uri vizuale de calitate înaltă de la concept până la execuție Identificarea problemelor de proiectare și elaborarea soluțiilor relevante Cerințe: 1+ ani experiență în app design/ web design Ex

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Software Project Manager

Актуализировано: вчера

Tara Interactive

Requirements Minimum 2+ years of experience in software development Knowledge of agile project management tools (Jira) Proven experience in development of processes and ideas. Positive attitude with excellent interpersonal skills. The ability to lead diverse, virtual teams. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Romanian Be naturally curious, creative and innovative, always looking for different ways of doing th

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Unity/C# developer (Mobile Game)

Актуализировано: вчера

Avantaj Prim
От 40 000 До 60 000 MDL

Компания предлагает: Комфортный офис в центре города с панорамным видом на историческую часть города; Рабочий график: пн - пт, с 9:00 - 18:00; Курсы английского языка; Официальное трудоустройство, полный соц.пакет; Современно оборудованное рабочее место; Бюджет на Ваше профессиональное развитие (курсы, тренинги);  Индивидуальные подарки в день рождения сотрудников; Team-building, корпоративные мероприятия (для Вас и Вашей семьи);

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Product Manager

Актуализировано: вчера

Urchin Systems

We are seeking a skilled and motivated Product Manager to join our innovative team. As a Product Manager, you will be responsible for driving product development from concept to launch, ensuring that our products meet both customer needs and business goals. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, including design, development, and marketing, to deliver innovative and scalable solutions that elevate our business.Key Responsibilities:

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Front End Developer (React.js) (Junior | Middle)

Актуализировано: вчера


We are seeking a talented and motivated Front End Developer to join our team. As a Front End Developer, you will be responsible for developing and implementing user interfaces using React.js. You will collaborate with our team of developers and designers to create responsive and visually appealing web applications.Please note that we are interested in finding candidates for full-time office positions. We are NOT considering candidates looking for

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AI/ML Engineer

Актуализировано: вчера


At Kapto, we are looking for a talented Machine Learning Engineer who is passionate about innovation, problem-solving, and growth. Your role will involve building and optimizing ML models and working closely with the engineering and ops teams to deploy and maintain models in production environments. Responsibilities  Deploy, and maintain machine learning models Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate AI solutions into produ

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Junior php developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Inxty LTD

Ce oferim? - Colectiv tânăr, vesel și prietenos; - Cafea naturală din contul companiei; - Livrarea prânzului la birou; - Achitarea salariului la timp; - Angajare oficială/ Pachet social. Cerinte - Cunoasterea framework Laravel, PHP, MySQL - Este un plus cunoasterea HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Dezvoltarea proiectelor noi si administrarea celor existente Trimiteți CV-ul dumneavoastră pe adresa: inxtyltd@gmail.com

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Front-end developer (react.js)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

The Unit

Workstyle: Hybrid/Remote (supporting both options) Availability to start the role: ASAP/up to 2 weeks Seniority level: Strong Middle/Senior Contract type: IT Park, 40 h/week About Us: The Unit is (https://theunit.dev) a software development company focused on Sports betting, Gambling & iGaming industries, with headquarters in Ireland. Our team is delighted to have been collaborating with customers from across the globe since 2017. Curr

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Back-end developer (node.js)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

The Unit

Workstyle: Hybrid/Remote (supporting both options) Availability to start the role: ASAP/up to 2 weeks Seniority level: Strong Middle/Senior Contract type: IT Park, 40 h/week About Us: The Unit (https://theunit.dev) is a software development company with HQ in Ireland, focused on Sports betting, Gambling & iGaming industries, with headquarters in Ireland. Our team is delighted to have collaborated with customers from across the globe since

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PHP Developer

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Headline Group
От 1 500 До 2 000 USD

- Good communication skills in English verbal and written; - Good communication skills and flexibility; - Ability to work in an onsite team; - Ability to work in a remote team; - Above-average analytical thinking and orientation in foreign code; - Good knowledge of PHP and OOP; - Good knowledge of other web technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Iquerry AJAX - Good knowledge of MySql; - Responsibility and reliability; - Ability to follow ru

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Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Steaua impex

Требуется начинающий программист для мониторинга рабочих программ офисных компьютеров, знание 1С обязательно. Свои CV направляйте на указанный e-mail.

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Python engineer

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад


AdRamp develops marketing automation platform for Ecommerce. We are looking for an experienced engineer to help build out this platform. You will work with cutting edge technologies, best industry practices. You will be responsible for building the foundation of how we scale our system and shape features from inception to release. Technologies we use (not exhaustive): Python, Django, Celery, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, React What we are

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It support (remote)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

От 500 До 1 750 USD

KeborMed is US corporation, providing connectivity services to healthcare device manufacturers. The company is based in Cleveland, OH, but our development team is located in Europe (Romania, Moldova and Portugal). The KeborMed team is growing and we are looking for passionate people who like to get stuff done, who can always focus on the big picture, and are ready to keep learning and improving, no matter how long they've been in the business.

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Manual qa engineer (remote)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

От 750 До 1 750 USD

KeborMed is US corporation, providing connectivity services to healthcare device manufacturers. The company is based in Cleveland, OH, but our development team is located in Europe (Romania, Moldova and Portugal). The KeborMed team is growing and we are looking for passionate people who like to get stuff done, who can always focus on the big picture, and are ready to keep learning and improving, no matter how long they've been in the business.

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Qa automation engineer (remote)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

От 750 До 2 000 USD

KeborMed is US corporation, providing connectivity services to healthcare device manufacturers. The company is based in Cleveland, OH, but our development team is located in Europe (Romania, Moldova and Portugal). The KeborMed team is growing and we are looking for passionate people who like to get stuff done, who can always focus on the big picture, and are ready to keep learning and improving, no matter how long they've been in the business.

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Fullstack developer

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

От 15 000 До 40 000 MDL

NIXAP este o companie de tehnologie de vârf, specializată în dezvoltarea de aplicații web și mobile pentru industria transportului și logisticii. Ne mândrim cu capacitatea noastră de a livra soluții tehnologice inovatoare care îmbunătățesc eficiența și productivitatea clienților noștri. Cerințe: - Experiență avansată în utilizarea framework-urilor Symfony și Laravel. - Competențe solide în dezvoltarea frontend cu Vue.js. - Experiență practi

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Wordpress developer internship

Дата создания: 2 дня назад


О компании: AiChat — динамично развивающаяся компания, занимающаяся созданием AI-ассистентов для бизнеса. Мы приглашаем стажеров для участия в реальных проектах и развития в рамках компании. Если вы увлечены веб-разработкой и хотите приобрести ценный практический опыт, мы будем рады видеть вас в нашей команде! О программе стажировки Стажировка в AiChat предоставляет возможность развиваться и участвовать в проектах под руководством опытных сп

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Back-end developer ininternship (Python)

Дата создания: 2 дня назад


О компании: AiChat — динамично развивающаяся компания, занимающаяся созданием AI-ассистентов для бизнеса. Мы приглашаем стажеров для участия в реальных проектах и развития в рамках компании. Если вы увлечены веб-разработкой и хотите приобрести ценный практический опыт, мы будем рады видеть вас в нашей команде! О программе стажировки Стажировка в AiChat предоставляет возможность развиваться и участвовать в проектах под руководством опытных сп

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Back-end developer internship

Дата создания: 2 дня назад


О компании: AiChat — динамично развивающаяся компания, занимающаяся созданием AI-ассистентов для бизнеса. Мы приглашаем стажеров для участия в реальных проектах и развития в рамках компании. Если вы увлечены веб-разработкой и хотите приобрести ценный практический опыт, мы будем рады видеть вас в нашей команде! О программе стажировки Стажировка в AiChat предоставляет возможность развиваться и участвовать в проектах под руководством опытных сп

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