Все вакансии

Reparatia utilajului electronic

Cunostinta in domeniu microelectronic ,repararea telefoanelor mobile ,calculatoarelor ,tehnicii de uz casnic. Asteptam CV la adresa:sfetoslav.socol.1@gmail.com

5 Октября 2016
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ICS “Lapmol” SRL объявляет конкурс на вакансию Инженер холодильного оборудования Требования: • средне-специальное/ высшее образование (преимущество). • опыт работы в области ремонта, обслуживания холодильного оборудования. • умение принимать решения. Обязанности: • Ввод в эксплуатацию холодильного оборудования. • Ремонт холодильного оборудования. • Обслуживание холодильного оборудования. Условия: - Стабильная работа в известной ком

5 Октября 2016
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"5M" SRL

Требования: Разработка и технико-экономический анализ проектов холодоснабжения. • Подбор и заказ холодильного оборудования и систем автоматизации. • Организация монтажных работ. • Наладка и ввод в эксплуатацию. • Сервис. Условия: - Официальное трудоустройство и полный соц.пакет; - Оплачиваемая мобильная связь; - Высокая заработная плата.

3 Октября 2016
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Cunoasterea meseriei, onestitate si punctualitate...

30 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

30 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldova

30 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

29 Сентября 2016
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Equipment Manager (manufacturi...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

29 Сентября 2016
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ICS “Lapmol” SRL объявляет конкурс на вакансию Инженер холодильного оборудования Требования: • средне-специальное/ высшее образование (преимущество). • опыт работы в области ремонта, обслуживания холодильного оборудования. • умение принимать решения. Обязанности: • Ввод в эксплуатацию холодильного оборудования. • Ремонт холодильного оборудования. • Обслуживание холодильного оборудования. Условия: - Стабильная работа в известной ком

29 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

28 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

28 Сентября 2016
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ICS “Lapmol” SRL объявляет конкурс на вакансию Инженер холодильного оборудования Требования: • средне-специальное/ высшее образование (преимущество). • опыт работы в области ремонта, обслуживания холодильного оборудования. • умение принимать решения. Обязанности: • Ввод в эксплуатацию холодильного оборудования. • Ремонт холодильного оборудования. • Обслуживание холодильного оборудования. Условия: - Стабильная работа в известной ко

27 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer
Compressor Technique Sales Eng...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldova

27 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

27 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

27 Сентября 2016
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- Высшее образование - факультет "Градостроительство и Архитектура"; - опыт работы - от 3-х лет; - знание профильного ПО - AutoCad, 3DMax и т.д. График работы с 8.30 до 17.30, Пн-Пт. Офис в центре города.

26 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: Главный инженер (производство) О Компании: международная компания специализирующаяся в производстве масличной продукции Обязанности:  Обеспечение бесперебойной работы производства (контроль смены запчастей, проверка работоспособности и пуско-наладка оборудования).  Осуществление планового и текущего ремонта оборудования.  Проведение профилактиче

23 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting – la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: Inginer tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: Companie internationala, lider in domeniul biotehnologiilor, specializate in deservirea clientilor (uzine) cu produse alimentare, nutritia pentru animale. Obiectivul postului: Consultarea clientilor (uzinele de producere) in privinta folosirii produselor biotehnologice Responsabilitati

23 Сентября 2016
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Требования: - опыт работ по изготовлению и монтаж: вывески, объемные буквы, световые плафоны, ... -водительские права (личный авто) приветствуется -знание- CDR Хорошая заработная оплата!!!. Specialist in producerea reclamei vizuale! Lucru cu PVC, Oracal, sticla organica, iluminare LED,... Permis de conducere categoria- B Cunoastere programelor de grafica CDR, AI Conditii bune, Salariu decent!

23 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

23 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

23 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

23 Сентября 2016
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Известное местное предприятие лидер на рынке металлопродукции и металлоизделий – находится в поиске Инженера-конструктора Компания предлагает: - График работы: пн-пт 8.00-17.00; сб 8.00-13.00 - Компьютер, принтер, телефон; инструменты, необходимые для замеров - Компенсация расходов на питание Требования к соискателям: - Наличие высшего технического образования (инженерия в машиностроении) - Наличие опыта работы в качестве инженера-к

22 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

22 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

22 Сентября 2016
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Specialist logistic

Опыт работы

22 Сентября 2016
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Компания STRONGHOLD, официальный дистрибьютор Konica Minolta, находится в поиске кандидатов на вакансию: ИНЖЕНЕР ПО РЕМОНТУ ОРГТЕХНИКИ И ЗАПРАВКЕ ЛАЗЕРНЫХ КАРТРИДЖЕЙ Обязанности: • Ремонт, заправка и установка оргтехники (принтеры, факсы, МФУ). Требования: • Техническое образование; • Опыт работы приветствуется; • Приветствуется наличие водительского удостоверения; • Знание компьютера на уровне пользователя; • Готовность повышать

21 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

21 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

21 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

21 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer
Compressor Technique Sales Eng...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldova

21 Сентября 2016
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Inginer-sef în telecomunicaţii
binamex-m srl

Calificare înaltă

20 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting - по поручению своего клиента, находится в поиске кандидата на вакансию: Главный инженер (производство) О Компании: международная компания специализирующаяся в производстве масличной продукции Обязанности: - Обеспечение бесперебойной работы производства (контроль смены запчастей, проверка работоспособности и пуско-наладка оборудования). - Осуществление планового и текущего ремонта оборудования. - Проведение профилактиче

20 Сентября 2016
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Equipment Manager (manufacturi...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

20 Сентября 2016
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Deriginte de santier

Responsabil,atestat(se binevoeste)

19 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700 in Chisinau. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori es

19 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

19 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

16 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

16 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori este posibil d

16 Сентября 2016
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Inginer echipamente electronice

studii superioare în domeniul TI cu profil de informatică, calculatoare, automatica şi electronică; - cunoştinţe profunde şi deprinderi practice în instalarea, configurarea şi întreţinerea echipamentelor tehnice de calcul, retail,si sisteme informationale; - cunoştinţe în instalarea,intretinerea si deservirea echipamentelor si tehnicei de retail; - aptitudine de a lucra în echipă, în ritm înalt de lucru şi rezistenţă la situaţii de presiune

16 Сентября 2016
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Опыт работы, Дисциплина

15 Сентября 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help t

15 Сентября 2016
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Manager proiect de constructie

Опыт работы, дисциплина

15 Сентября 2016
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Sa isi faca munca constiintios, sa fie punctual si comunicabil

14 Сентября 2016
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Experienta de munca, comunicabilitatea si punctualitatea.

14 Сентября 2016
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Chimic laborant
SA Marculesti Combi

Chimic laborant- grafic de lucru in schimburi;studii superioare in domeniul chimiei;stagiu de munca1an;locul de munca Floresti or.Marculesti.

14 Сентября 2016
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Inginer apa si canalizare

Firma are nevoie de un Inginer apa si canalizare. Experienta in lucru. Salariu bun.

14 Сентября 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Inginer Calitate pentru Clienti Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. Inginer pe Calitate pentru Clienti (automotive in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre client si companie in termenele de Calitate • Verifica de cite ori este posibil d

14 Сентября 2016
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Compressor technique sales engineer

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

14 Сентября 2016
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