Все вакансии

Inginer proiectant

- Studii superioare, profil tehnic. - Bune cunostinte privind programele tehnice de proiectare (AutoCad, SolidWorks, Plant3D, Revit). - Cunoasterea limbii engleze. - Expierenta in domeniul proiectarilor retelor de tevi sau a ventilatiei prezinta un avantaj. Oferim: • Posibilitate de a face parte dintr-o echipă tinara si profesionistă, • Instruire și oportunități de promovare; • Pachet social și un sistem de salarizare motivant. P.S.

28 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre clien

28 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre clien

28 Февраля 2017
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Engineer 300 euro + %

The company whose main activity is providing high-tech modern equipment is looking for a Engineer Working conditions: - Work schedule: 5 days a week, from 08:00 to 17:00 - Official employment Main requirements: - Advanced user PC (Microsoft Office) - Knowledge of graphic design software (AutoDesk, AutoCAD) - University degree (technical education) - Fluency in Romanian, Russian and English

28 Февраля 2017
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Компания, сфера деятельности которой является продажа и обслуживание сельскохозяйственной техники находится в поиске Инженера Наши предложения: - Официальное трудоустройство - Социальный пакет - График работы: 5 дней в неделю, с 8:00 до 17:00 - Карьерный рост - Компенсация служебных телефонных переговоров - Служебный автомобиль Ваши задачи: - Обработка и согласование гарантийных рекламаций - Оперативное разрешение спорных ситу

28 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre clien

27 Февраля 2017
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Инженер электрик

Менеджер по продажам электро материалов Требования к соискателям: - Энергичные и амбициозные, - Высшее образование (желательно) - Опыт работы в аналогичной должности (желательно); - Владение румынским и русским языками; - Навыки работы на ПК, знание программы 1С продажи и приложений MS Office; Место работы: г. Кишинев, Буюканы; График работы:  08.00-17.00, с понедельника по пятницу; Хорошие условия работы; Оплата труда от 4000 л+% о

27 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has previo

27 Февраля 2017
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Professionals or students (UT...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (UTM) w

27 Февраля 2017
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Specialist de laborator pentru...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Specialist de Laborator pentru testarea Cablurilor Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii cablajelor pentru localizata in regiune din Moldova. Specialist de laborator pentru testarea cablurilor ( companie de producere internationala localizata in regiune din Moldova) RESPONSABILITATI: • Vei asigu

25 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has previo

25 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has pr

24 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has prev

23 Февраля 2017
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Capacitate de munca, implicare si urmarirea calitatii muncii prestate. - Abilități comunicative,responsabilitate, - Cunoştinţe suficiente în domeniul producerii covoarelor, Program de lucru: Luni- vineri 8 ore/zi Oferim: - Salariu competitiv; - Pachet social.

23 Февраля 2017
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Avi Clima SRL

Compania Avi Clima, cunoscută ca o companie de profesioniști în domeniul sistemelor de ventilare și climatizare cu un ritm ridicat de dezvoltare, angajează inginer Sisteme de ventilare și climatizare. Cerințe: - Cunoașterea limbilor română, rusă (pentru înțelegerea specificațiilor tehnice); - Cunoaștere Microsoft Office (Word, Excel ș.a.); - Cunoaștere AutoCad; - Punctualitate și responsabilitate; - Studii în domeniul ACGV

22 Февраля 2017
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Inginer proiectant automobile

Responsabilitati principale: •Elaborarea designului pieselor auto in conformitate cu cerintele si standardele de fabricatie; •Dezvoltarea si coordonarea proiectelor, crearea imaginilor 3D pentru piese complexe si seturi de mecanisme, respectand standardele tehnice; •Efectuarea de calcule tehnice necesare; •Documentarea proceselor si transmiterea informatiei partenerilor de dezvoltare. Cerinte: •Studii superioare in inginerie; •2 ani de e

22 Февраля 2017
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Inginer proiectant automobile

Responsabilitati principale: •Elaborarea designului pieselor auto in conformitate cu cerintele si standardele de fabricatie; •Dezvoltarea si coordonarea proiectelor, crearea imaginilor 3D pentru piese complexe si seturi de mecanisme, respectand standardele tehnice; •Efectuarea de calcule tehnice necesare; •Documentarea proceselor si transmiterea informatiei partenerilor de dezvoltare. Cerinte: •Studii superioare in inginerie; •2 ani de e

22 Февраля 2017
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Laboratory Specialist for Test...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Laboratory Specialist for Testing Cables. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Laboratory Specialist for Testing Cables Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail orient

22 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre cli

22 Февраля 2017
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Работа в программе Autocad направления Геодезия , достойная оплата. Работа в офисе. СV на емаил schimbov@gmail.com Тел:079970089 Юрий Autocad Drawter: Требование: Без вредных привычек. Хорошее знание автокада.

21 Февраля 2017
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Предлагаем работу инженера - технолога Требования: высшее образование знание компьютера знание технологий швейного производства

21 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre clien

21 Февраля 2017
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требуется:ТЕХНОЛОГ швейного производства. Требования: - в/о; - знание программы AutoCAD; - знание технологий швейного производства - Заработная плата от 8 000 лей. тел.: 022 742236 e-mail: reception@mobila.md

21 Февраля 2017
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Мастер швейного участка 1. в/о 2. знание компьютера 3. опыт работы 4. ответственность исполнительность 5. Заработная плата от 8 000 лей. Тел.: 022742236 e-mail: reception@mobila.md

21 Февраля 2017
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Работа в программе Autocad направления Геодезия, достойная оплата. Работа в офисе. СV на емаил schimbov@gmail.com Тел:079970089 Юрий

21 Февраля 2017
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Tehnolog (industria alimentara)
Новые Анены

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: companie internationala, specializata in producerea uleiurilor Obiectivul postului: monitorizarea proceselor tehnologice la producere Responsabilitati: - Stabilirea procedurilor tehnologice la producere; - Evidenta, supravegherea proceselor de producere (ca

20 Февраля 2017
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Tehnolog (industria alimentara)

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: companie internationala, specializata in producerea uleiurilor Obiectivul postului: monitorizarea proceselor tehnologice la producere Responsabilitati: - Stabilirea procedurilor tehnologice la producere; - Evidenta, supravegherea proceselor de producere (ca

20 Февраля 2017
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Tehnolog (industria alimentara)

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: companie internationala, specializata in producerea uleiurilor Obiectivul postului: monitorizarea proceselor tehnologice la producere Responsabilitati: - Stabilirea procedurilor tehnologice la producere; - Evidenta, supravegherea proceselor de producere (ca

20 Февраля 2017
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Tehnolog (industria alimentara)

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: companie internationala, specializata in producerea uleiurilor Obiectivul postului: monitorizarea proceselor tehnologice la producere Responsabilitati: - Stabilirea procedurilor tehnologice la producere; - Evidenta, supravegherea proceselor de producere (ca

20 Февраля 2017
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Tehnolog (industria alimentara)

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: companie internationala, specializata in producerea uleiurilor Obiectivul postului: monitorizarea proceselor tehnologice la producere Responsabilitati: - Stabilirea procedurilor tehnologice la producere; - Evidenta, supravegherea proceselor de producere (ca

20 Февраля 2017
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Tehnolog (industria alimentara)

Compania HR-Consulting (www.search4staff.com) la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: Tehnolog (industria alimentara) Compania: companie internationala, specializata in producerea uleiurilor Obiectivul postului: monitorizarea proceselor tehnologice la producere Responsabilitati: - Stabilirea procedurilor tehnologice la producere; - Evidenta, supravegherea proceselor de producere (ca

20 Февраля 2017
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Обязанности: - Копирайтинг, рерайтинг, переводы (различные тематики). Требования: - Отличное знание русского,и (или) румынского и немецкого языков; - Умение грамотно излагать материал в письменном виде; - Умение работать в графическом редакторе; - Широкий кругозор и любознательность; - Желание учится и совершенствоваться; - Работоспособность и внимательность; - Умение писать продающие тексты; - Стремление к результативности. Предлагаем

20 Февраля 2017
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Professionals or students (UT...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (UTM)

20 Февраля 2017
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Specialist de laborator p...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Specialist de Laborator pentru testarea Cablurilor Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii cablajelor pentru localizata in regiune din Moldova. Specialist de laborator pentru testarea cablurilor ( companie de producere internationala localizata in regiune din Moldova) RESPONSABILITATI: • Vei asigu

20 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has previo

20 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre clien

20 Февраля 2017
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Инженер- технолог

Мебельной фабрике требуется: Инженер- ТЕХНОЛОГ (швейный цех ). Требования: - в/о; - знание программы AutoCAD; - знание технологий швейного производства - Заработная плата от 8 000 лей. тел.: 022 742236 e-mail: reception@mobila.md

17 Февраля 2017
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Professional HR Agency

Cerinte : •Studii superioare in inginerie; •2 ani de experienta in 1 proiect de succes; •Experienta de munca relevanta (in industria auto); •Experienta CAD (Catia sau NX de preferat). •Orientare spre proces si spre obiectiv; •Abilitati inalte de comunicare in limba romana; •Cunoasterea limbii engleze (sau germane) este un avantaj. Oferim: •Oportunitatea de dezvoltare in cariera in cadrul unei companii influente in domeniu; •Traini

16 Февраля 2017
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Наличие водительского удостоверения . Опыт работы замерщиком изделий из ПВХ

15 Февраля 2017
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Professionals or students (UTM...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (

15 Февраля 2017
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Professionals or students (UT...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (UTM)

14 Февраля 2017
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Professionals or students (UT...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (UTM)

14 Февраля 2017
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Professionals or students (UTM...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the positions in Engineering, Production, Logistics, Accounting, HR fields. Company Overview: International company within the automotive production, cables production, situated in a region of Moldova. Transportation for professionals from Chisinau is provided. Professionals or students (

14 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has previo

13 Февраля 2017
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Coordonator de Calitate ( Indu...

HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Coodonator de Calitate. Profilul companiei: companie internationala in domeniul producerii cablajelor auto, localizata in regiune din Moldova. Transportul profesionistilor din Chisinau, este asigurat de companie. Coordonator de Calitate ( Industria producerii cablajelor auto) RESPONSABILITATI: • Reprezinta interfata dintre cli

13 Февраля 2017
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Inginer mecanic


13 Февраля 2017
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Project Manager (manufacturing...

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Project Manager Company Overview: International production company within automotive business located in a region of Moldova. Project Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: this is a managerial position with experience either in production, logistics,

13 Февраля 2017
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Требуется специалист по продажам электротехнических товаров и готовых решений в энергетике. Опыт инженера и продавца - необходимость. Обязательное условие наличие автомобиля. Условия оплаты и условия труда на собеседовании. Обязательно ответим на Ваше резюме.

13 Февраля 2017
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проектирование новых, реконструкция и реставрация существующих зданий и сооружений гражданского и производственного назначения

13 Февраля 2017
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Electronic specialist
Electronic Specialist

HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Electronic Specialist. Company Overview: International production company that has recently opened within cables industry, located in a region on Moldova. Electronic Specialist Job summary: a result driven, professional, detail oriented Electronic Specialist that has previo

11 Февраля 2017
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