Junior frontend developer

Ads Intelligence Media
Город: Кишинев
Образование: Университет, институт
Опыт работы: От 1 года
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Полный рабочий день
Место работы: Дом/Офис
Company Overview:
Join a leading adtech company specializing in the programmatic advertising market. Our main product is an advanced platform for placing ads on websites, utilizing our proprietary technology stack.

Our suite of key products includes an automated ad placement system with a diverse range of ad formats (Google Ad Manager 360 (MCM partner), an in-house Header Bidding wrapper, and our own OpenRTB ad server), a sophisticated video player, a dynamic video content creation platform, an integrated audio player, and an SSP platform for programmatic purchases.

- 1 year and more of experience with JavaScript, TypeScript
- Experience with HTML; СSS
- Knowledge PHP (basic skills, creating/editing WP components)
- Experience with CMS: Wordpress (required)
- Cross-browser and adaptive development
- General front-end tools (Vite, Webpack, NPM, Yarn)
- Understanding of SEO principles
- Basic understanding of web performance optimization (Core Web Vitals)
- Collaborative development using Git
- Experience with prototyping tools (Figma)

- Maintaining the code base of current projects, developing new components, migrating from AngularJS to ReactJS
- Participation in code reviews
- Writing Unit tests

We offer:
- Competitive salary rates.
- Friendly atmosphere and driven colleagues.
- Comfortable workspace and rest area.
- Paid vacations (20+ working days per year) and sick leaves
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