Dispatcher | 2000-4000$

Город: Кишинев
Образование: Любое
Опыт работы: От 1 года
Зарплата: От 2000 До 4000 USD
График: Полный рабочий день
US Express Carriers LLC - an American trucking company is looking for a Dispatcher.

More details can be found on the website:https://www.usexpresscarriers.com/.


Previous proven minimum 6 months work experience in the same position.
High negotiation and communication skills.
Advanced English knowledge.
Stress resistance and ability to manage and remain result oriented in non-standard situations.


Coordinating with drivers and with brokers.
Monitor transport routes of drivers.
Solving unexpected issues and support the drivers with the necessary information.


Competitive salary.
Full social package.
Working hours from Monday to Friday (14:00-23:00).
Working in a friendly and professional team.
Corporate and team building events for employees.

If you think you are suitable for this position, please send your CV to our recruitment partner hr@mantis.md and we will contact you as soon as possible!

We thank you for your interest in our career opportunities!
E-mail: hr@mantis.md
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