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Toate joburile

Web designer

Actualizat: 22 aprilie 2017

Soft Company

Dacă ești creativ și plin de energie, te invităm să faci parte dintr-un colectiv tînăr și prietenos. Soft Company te invită la interviu. Cerințele postului: - Studii superioare în domeniu; - Experiența în domeniu începînd de la 2 luni; - Cunoașterea limbii române, ruse și engleza; - Cunoștințe solide : Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Flash Professional, Corel Draw etc. - Seriozitare, resposabilitate și profesion

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Desktop applications developer

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Компания HR-Consulting (, по просьбе своего клиента, ищет кандидатов на должность: Desktop applications developer Компания: Местная IT-компания, разрабатывающая собственное программное обеспечение, бренд которой известен во всем мире. Обязанности: - программирование в C++/ Delphi для Windows - улучшение существующего кода и создание нового кода - разработка элементов графического и пользовательского интерфейса -

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Software developer

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (, on behalf of its client, an international company, is looking for candidates to fill the position of: Software Developer Company: Foreign company specialized in logistics and distribution services. Job Description: As a Software Developer, you will be working for the Business Unit (BU) of Consumer Goods and Industry. This department developed and keeps developing its own in-house Warehouse Managem

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Software developer (middle/senior)

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (, on behalf of its client, an international company, is looking for candidates to fill the position of: Software Developer (Middle/Senior) Company: Foreign company specialized in logistics and distribution services. Job Description: • Developing and maintaining multiple in-house applications in Microsoft Dynamics NAV • Solving problems: software bugs, performance issues • Provide lean and practica

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C++ developer

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Компания HR-Consulting (, по просьбе своего клиента, ищет кандидатов на должность: C++ Developer Компания: Местная IT-компания, разрабатывающая собственное программное обеспечение для местных и зарубежных клиентов. Обязанности: - Разработка новых функций под Windows в том числе кроссплатформенный код по всему стеку - Рефакторинг кода и поиск неисправностей - Реализация протоколов безопасности PKI, OTP, OATH, FIDO

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Helpdesk team member

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (, on behalf of its client, an international company, is looking for candidates to fill the position of: Helpdesk Team Member The company: R&D office of an International Company, provider of communications products and services. Responsibilities: • IT Help Desk support person for company employees. Support is provided in English in 2-3 weekly shifts (Sunday-Friday), including night shifts • Part-time

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Helpdesk team leader

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting (, on behalf of its client, an international company, is looking for candidates to fill the position of: Helpdesk Team Leader The company: R&D office of an International Company, provider of communications products and services. Responsibilities: • Manage the help desk team and evaluate performance • Ensure customer service is provided in a timely and accurate manner • Recruit, train and support h

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Компьютерный мастер на дому. Нам нужны мастера по ремонту и настройке компьютеров. Работа на выезде у клиентов на дому. График работы: свободный график. Оплата труда сдельная, оговаривается при собеседовании. Должностные обязанности: выезд к клиенту на дом по заявке ремонт, выявление и устранение неисправностей настройка роутеров, сетей. установка программ, драйверов установка и настройка операционных систем Windows, MAC OS (не обя

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Copywriter în limba română

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017


Compania Seolitte (prestator de servicii SEO) angajează copywriter în română full-time sau part-time, activitate de la distanță. Cerințe: - Cunoaşterea limbii române la nivel avansat; - Cunoașterea bazelor despre WordPress constituie un avantaj enorm; Abilități de a scrie interesant în limba română; vocabular bogat. Responsabilități: - Scrierea advertorialelor și articolelor în limba română de la 0, doar pornind de la câteva suges

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Frontend developer slicer

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

CreativSoft SRL

Cerințe: - Cunoștințe HTML5, CSS3, XHTML; - Cunoștințe Bootstrap si responsive design - Constituie un avantaj cunoștințe Javascript, jQuery (sau alte frameworkuri); Responsabilități: - Transformarea din PSD layouts in pagini web (HTML/CSS/JS) responsive; - Testare cross-browser - Optimizarea pentru Page Speed Insights - Validarea codului HTML dupa standartul W3C Calități personale: - Atenție la detalii - Creativitate, organizare, r

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Programator PHP/MySQL

Actualizat: 21 aprilie 2017

CreativSoft SRL

Cerințe pentru candidat: - Cunoștințe PHP (OOP/MVC), MySQL; - Cunoștințe HTML, XHTML, XML, AJAX; - Cunoștințe Javascript, jQuery și CSS; Vei fi responsabil pentru: - Dezvoltare proiecte noi; - Mentenanță și dezvoltare proiecte existente. Calități personale: - Gândirea analitică; - Dorință și capacitatea de a învăța; - Creativitate, organizare, responsabilitate, atenție la detalii; - Capacitatea de a lucra în echipă sau individual;

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Content manager

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


“WebTech” company is looking for a candidate to fulfill the new position of a Content Manager for our Internet project. What you’ll do You'll have responsibility for the creation and optimisation of all content related to our new project. This will involve: Ensuring content is clear, engaging, and aligned with the project strategy and brand tone of voice Producing content that resonates with customers, makes them feel at home, and s

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Devops/sysadmin required (from 1200 $)

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for DevOps/Sysadmin required Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Configuration of Linux servers - Monitoring and assessment of services - Main

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Marketing and sales manager (from 400 $)

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Marketing and Sales Manager Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Planning, launching and coordination of online advertising campaigns (Facebo

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Senior PHP developer (from 1500 $)

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Main requirements: - PHP, MySQL - Work experience - from 3 years

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Elixir/erlang developer (from 1000 $)

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Develop REST services - Write maintainable and clean code - Work on all phase

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Ruby/rails developer (from 1000 $)

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Develop REST services - Write maintainable and clean code - Work on all phases of

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ICS Reliable Solutions Distrib...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. unul din liderii de pe piața IT care oferă servicii în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale în Republica Moldova, angajează persoană în funcția de: - Junior Technical Engineer / Inginer Tehnic Junior Se ofera: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial atractiv; - Interacțiune cu marile companii internaționale; - Training-uri de instruire în țară și peste hotare; - Posibilita

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PHP developer remote

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017

Bioelite Vert

Hello! Bioelite Vert is hiring again! PLEASE DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU MEET THE REQUIREMENTS We create quality software using Lean and Agile methods and we build for the web and mobile with the user in mind. We are looking for a new colleague to join our team: Requirements: 1. Excellent knowledge of OOP PHP 2. Good knowledge of WordPress and familiarity with Magento or Drupal 3. Able to optimize MySql queries 4. Good knowledge of

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Javascript/java back-end developer

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


Канадская компания ищет команду талантливых инженеров для разработки (с нуля) и последующей поддержки- business network solution (Java back-end и HTML5/Jscript). Общие требования: • Знание и опыт работы с Hibernate (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО). • Знание и опыт работы с Spring (Boot, MVC, IoC, Security) (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО). • Опыт работы в команде, используя различные инструменты для совместной работы. (SVN, Jira Git) • Опыт работы в Agile / Scrum. • Опыт ра

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Javascript/front-end developer

Actualizat: 20 aprilie 2017


Общие требования к кандидатам: - Навыки работы в команде, используя различные инструменты для совместной работы. (SVN, Jira Git) - Навыки работы с удаленными группами и разработчиками. JavaScript: - Навыки работы в создании интерфейсов кросс-браузера «соответствующие стандартам», используя хорошо структурированныйJavaScript, HTML и CSS. - Четкое понимание JavaScript. - Знание клиентской стороны JavaScript инструментальных или механизмов, та

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Senior php developer

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


IT компания Webtech SRL приглашает на постоянную работу ведущего PHP-программиста. Наши ребования: - отличное знание PHP, MySQL, JavaSciprt;, - плюсами являются: * опыт работы в eCommerce * знание CSS, AJAX, XML, Json, Bootstrap, JQuery; * понимание agile методик разработки Условия работы: - полная занятость; - достойная заработная плата и регулярные премиальные; - современный и удобно расположенный офис; - дружный и отзывчи

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Seo expert

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


Частная фирма приглашает соискателей на дожность Cпециалиста по продвижению интернет-проектов на полный рабочий день с опытом работы не менее 2-х лет в английском сегменте. Требования: - опыт работы в: -- SEO -- SMM -- SMO -- SEM -- Email marketing -- Native advertising -- PPC -- Mobile advertising - Знание HTML; - Знание английского приветствуется; - Наличие положительного опыта; Личные качест

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Web designer

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


Частная фирма приглашает соискателей на дожность веб-дизайнера на полный рабочий день с опытом работы не менее 2-х лет. Должностные обязанности: - Участие в проектировании пользовательских интерфейсов - Разработка дизайн-концепций - Создание элементов дизайна по предоставленным прототипам - Разработка дизайна сайтов - Проектирование интерактивных элементов для сайтов; - Отрисовка посадочных страниц акций, баннеров и т.д. (landing-pages).

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Internet sales manager

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


International online project is looking for a Business Development Executive/Sales Manager. Responsibility for the full software sales life cycle. Suitable candidates will have good telesales experience and a desire to succeed in an online environment, strong track record in achieving and exceeding sales targets. Requirements: • SEO knowledge, experience with Google AdWords and Facebook advertising — obligatory! • Not less than 2

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Product manager assistant

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


MedicalTourism.Review is looking for Product Manager Assistant. If you’re organised, proactive and methodical with good inter-personal skills and want to learn how to work at a Global IT startup - join our team in effort to make positive impact on health industry on the global scale. Position Checklist: Fluent English; Good computer and internet skills; Punctual and reliable; Methodical, accurate; Organizational and problem solving sk

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ICS Reliable Solutions Distrib...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. unul din liderii de pe piața IT care oferă servicii în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale în Republica Moldova, angajează persoană în funcția de: - Junior Technical Engineer / Inginer Tehnic Junior Se ofera: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial atractiv; - Interacțiune cu marile companii internaționale; - Training-uri de instruire în țară și peste hotare; - Posibilita

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Devops/sysadmin required

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for DevOps/Sysadmin required Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Configuration of Linux servers - Monitoring and assessment of services - Main

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Marketing and sales manager

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Marketing and Sales Manager Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Planning, launching and coordination of online advertising campaigns (Facebo

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Elixir/erlang developer

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Develop REST services - Write maintainable and clean code - Work on all phase

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Ruby/rails developer

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Develop REST services - Write maintainable and clean code - Work on all phases of

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Senior php developer

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Main requirements: - PHP, MySQL - Work experience - from 3 years

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IT Service Pro

IT Service Pro SRL Помощник администратора Работа в команде и самостоятельно. Решение проблем в офисе по телефону, а также с выездами к клиенту. Задачи 1) прокладка и монтаж компьютерных сетей 2) диагностика и решение проблем компьютерных сетей и оборудования 3) Сборка, настройка, ввод в работу компьютерного оборудования и офисной техники 4) установка и настройка операционных систем и пользовательских программ 5) Тех.обслуживание,

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Wordpress developer

Actualizat: 19 aprilie 2017


Поиск программиста с опытом работы не менее 2 лет, на длительный срок. Знание плагинов, написание плагинов, внедрение дополнительного функционала в wordpress. Знания frontend будет большим плюсом.

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IT Service Pro

IT Service Pro SRL Помощник администратора Работа в команде и самостоятельно. Решение проблем в офисе по телефону, а также с выездами к клиенту. Задачи 1) прокладка и монтаж компьютерных сетей 2) диагностика и решение проблем компьютерных сетей и оборудования 3) Сборка, настройка, ввод в работу компьютерного оборудования и офисной техники 4) установка и настройка операционных систем и пользовательских программ 5) Тех.обслуживание,

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Senior android developer

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017

Agile Partners

At Agile Partners, we are seeking for a creative senior Android Developer who will help us build Android apps that enable our customers to succeed. You will be working closely with our team of mobile developers and designers, building some of the core technologies that we integrate in the app using your creativity, drive for excellence and coding skills. The ideal candidate will be flexible, self-motivated, loves making excellent code and takes p

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Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017

Agile Partners

We are searching for a talented self starter to fill the vacant DevOps position at ”Agile Partners”, to help create amazing new products, enabling our clients to succeed. Requirements: * 3+ years in Systems Engineering/DevOps role in a large environment required * Strong knowledge of Linux systems and internals (Debian/Ubuntu preferred) * Good understanding of networking and related protocols * Fluent in Bash, any additional scripting lan

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Content manager

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017


“WebTech” company is looking for a candidate to fulfill the new position of a Content Manager for our Internet project. What you’ll do You'll have responsibility for the creation and optimisation of all content related to our new project. This will involve: Ensuring content is clear, engaging, and aligned with the project strategy and brand tone of voice Producing content that resonates with customers, makes them feel at home, and sup

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ICS Reliable Solutions Distrib...

Compania Î.C.S. “Reliable Solutions Distributor” S.R.L. unul din liderii de pe piata IT care ofera servicii in domeniul tehnologiilor informationale in Republica Moldova angajeaza persoana in functia de: - Junior Technical Engineer / Inginer Tehnic Junior Se ofera: - Program de lucru full time, pachet salarial atractiv; - Interacțiune cu marile companii internaționale; - Training-uri de instruire în țară și peste hotare; - Posibilitat

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QA Engineer

Data creării: 18 aprilie 2017

Agile Partners

We are looking to fill a position of QA engineer to join us in creating turnkey FinTech products. You will be working closely with a team of talented professionals, designers and developers, and will be an instrumental part in the launch of each project you partake in. Minimal requirements: - Experienced PC user, good knowledge of office applications (WORD, EXCEL) and network - Good English skills (reading technical documentation, writing

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Presale project manager

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidaților pentru postul vacant de: Presale Project Manager Compania: Furnizor de soluții și servicii IT PRESALE PROJECT MANAGER Presale: - Analiza interacțiunii cu cerințele utilizatorului client (inclusiv analiza proceselor de business), pregătirea specificațiilor, cerințele caietului de sarcini, documentația de proiectare. - Căutare și

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English e-learning platform coordinator

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017

HR-Consulting (www.search4staf...

HR-Consulting ( on behalf of its client, an international company, is looking for candidates to fill the position of: English e-learning platform coordinator The company: A transport company of international standing in Europe and beyond. The company has branches in Netherlands, Poland and Moldova. Responsibilities: • Increasing the professional development of employees via E-learning • Creating & maintaining the

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IT Service Pro

IT Service Pro SRL Помощник администратора Работа в команде и самостоятельно. Решение проблем в офисе по телефону, а также с выездами к клиенту. Задачи 1) прокладка и монтаж компьютерных сетей 2) диагностика и решение проблем компьютерных сетей и оборудования 3) Сборка, настройка, ввод в работу компьютерного оборудования и офисной техники 4) установка и настройка операционных систем и пользовательских программ 5) Тех.обслуживание,

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Devops/sysadmin required

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for DevOps/Sysadmin required Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Configuration of Linux servers - Monitoring and assessment of services - Main

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Marketing and sales manager

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Marketing and Sales Manager Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Planning, launching and coordination of online advertising campaigns (Facebo

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Senior PHP developer

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Senior PHP Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Main requirements: - PHP, MySQL - Work experience - from 3 years

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Elixir/erlang developer

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Elixir/Erlang Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Develop REST services - Write maintainable and clean code - Work on all phase

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Ruby/rails developer

Actualizat: 18 aprilie 2017


IT Company engaged in software development is looking for Ruby/Rails Developer Working conditions: - Professional and career growth - Participation in international conferences and hackathons - Comfortable office, competitive salary, regular team building events - Official employment with all the social benefits and paid vacation Job responsibilities: - Develop REST services - Write maintainable and clean code - Work on all phases of

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Actualizat: 17 aprilie 2017


Для работы в требуется программист. Мы создаем веб приложений без использования кода, только с помощью платформы визуального программирования. (Обучение берем на себя) Требования к кандидату - системное аналитическое мышление, понимание алгоритмов, принципов структурирования данных в базах данных, хорошие оценки по математике в школе и по высшей математике в ВУЗе :) Навыки веб программирования или программирования приложений

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Actualizat: 14 aprilie 2017


Cerinţe: - Cunoaşterea limbilor română, rusă, engleza; - Abilităţi excelente de comunicare și scriere în limba română; - Creativitate, imaginaţie, pasiune şi capacitate de a scrie si a promova produsele IT; - Cunoștinţe PC, Microsoft Office, Facebook, Instagram si alte retele de socializare;

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