Travel Agent

IQ LABS-M №13898, 12 august 2007
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă:
American based travel agency affiliate IQ Labs is hiring staff for the position of a Travel Agent (males) which will be rendering services in the sphere of Passenger's Air Transportation.
We need from you:
- Excellent knowledge of English spoken language,
- Strong communicative skills,
- High level of self discipline and self motivation,
- Advanced level of PC knowledge,
Work will take place primarily during night time (21:00-05:00/23:00-07:00) – that is PCT (pacific standard time – 8a.m.- 6p.m.)
P.S. Preference will be given to the applicants with previous job experience in this field.
Send your resume, in English, with the attached photo to e-mail:
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