Local consultant no. 08 / mia unep / 2015

Environmental Pollution Prevention Office within the Ministry of Environment
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Superioare
Experiența de munca: Peste 5 ani
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Munca partiala / Cumul
Environmental Pollution Prevention Office within the Ministry of Environment announces open consulting assignment to be undertaken by the Local Consultant no. 08 / MIA UNEP / 2015 in the field of within the UNEP/GEF project “Enabling activity Development of Minamata initial assessment in Moldova”
Local consultant is expected to deliver the specific input based on UNEP Toolkit methodology for the categories 5-1 Extraction and use of fuels/energy sources; 5-3 Production of other minerals and materials with mercury impurities; 5-4 Intentional use of mercury in industrial processes (particularly subcategory 5.4.4)

The Project is intended to address priority issues identified in the GEF enabling activity for development of Minamata initial assessment (MIA) in Moldova.
The goal of the MIA development is to protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by the unsound use, management and release of mercury. The objective of the project is ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention facilitated by the use of scientific and technical knowledge and tools by national stakeholders in participating countries.
The development of the MIA has five components, each having the clear set of outcomes and outputs.

The proposed consulting services will be delivered under the Project Component 3: Development of a mercury inventory using the UNEP mercury toolkit

Activity 3.1: Develop a qualitative and quantitative inventory of all mercury sources and releases
The main objective of this component is to develop a quantitative and qualitative inventory of all mercury sources and releases.
This will result in an improved data on mercury sources and releases based on the UNEP Toolkit for identification and quantification of mercury releases, level II version, which is a comprehensive description of all mercury sources, as well as a quantitative analysis of mercury. More specifically, the mercury toolkit will assist the expert to address the following articles of the Convention: a) Mercury supply sources and trade (Article 3); (b) Mercury-added products (Article 4); (c) Manufacturing processes in which mercury or mercury compounds are used (Article 5); (d) Emissions (Article 8); and (e) Releases (Article 9).
project/ “Enabling activity development of Minamata initial assessment in Moldova”
Duty Station
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Environment Pollution Prevention Office within the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv), Republic of Moldova
Duration of Employment
The consultant output for the proposed assignment is expected to be executed within the 4 months period, starting with October 2015. The expected workload is estimated to 20 working days.
Organizational setting:
The consultant shall execute the tasks with regards to this project under the supervision of the Project Coordinator, in cooperation with the other local experts and responsible governmental agencies.
Job Content
The purpose of the consultancy is the estimation of the mercury releases and mercury input and output factors of the sectors identified under 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 category of the UNEP Toolkit for the period from 2010 to 2014.
The consultant is expected to identify the mercury emission sources in the country and to quantify the mercury releases from the identified sources , in accordance with the UNEP Toolkit for identification and quantification of mercury releases, level II, v 1.3. (category 5.1, 5.3, 5.4)
The Local Consultant’s specific tasks are as follows:
Task 1. Familiarize with the methodology of the UNEP Toolkits on Identification and Quantification of Mercury Releases (level II, v.1.3) and (level I, v.1.3) and the customized to MD conditions toolkit .
Toolkits can be downloaded from the following link

Task 2. Delivery of the specific input based on UNEP Toolkit methodology for the categories 5-1 Extraction and use of fuels/energy sources; 5-3 Production of other minerals and materials with mercury impurities; 5-4 Intentional use of mercury in industrial processes (particularly subcategory 5.4.4)

Task 3. Provide specific content based presentation for the thematic workshops and seminars, meetings and field visits coordinated preliminary with EPPO.
K. Qualifications required:
Environmental Pollution Prevention Office shall contract the Local Consultant based on selection procedure.
The Local Consultant shall have the following expertise and competencies:
 University degree in environmental studies (biology, chemistry, environmental management), electrical sciences//engineering or closely related fields;
 Familiarity with national communications processes under various conventions (UNFCCC, CLRTAP);
 Familiarity with the background and implementation of various international treaties, programs and initiatives applicable to chemicals, including Minamata Convention, Stockholm Convention, Basel Convention, Rotterdam Convention, Montreal Protocol, UNECE LRTAP Convention, CLRTAP POPs Protocol, CLRTAP HMs Protocol, Chemical Weapons Convention, PRTR Protocol, UN ECE Industrial Accidents Convention, ILO Conventions No. 170 and 174, GHS and others;
 At least 5 years of relevant field-based experience,
 Previous experience in preparation of studies, reviews, sectoral recommendations will be an asset;
 Knowledge of Moldovan environmental and chemicals issues, including priority environmental problems and issues and environmental management system (could be an advantage);
 Experience in working with central and local public authorities;
 Excellent proficiency in English, Russian and Romanian;
 Experience in implementation of other environmental projects and working in team;
 Good analytical and writing skills.

The terms of reference will be presented upon request, sent to the address info@eppo.md with reference no. 08 / MIA UNEP / 2015.
Interested candidates should submit the following documents:
- CV updated
- Financial offer, which includes daily rate (all taxes and charges included)
- Letters of recommendation (optional)
Deadline for submitting application – October 16, 2015, at tatiana.tugui@eppo.md
Additional information can be obtained at telephone number (+373 22) 222 -542.
Persoana de contact:
Tatiana Tugui, manager
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