Developer - wordpress

SinergoData №10593037, 8 septembrie 2021
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Pina la 2 ani
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Munca la distanta / Freelance
Looking for a REMOTE Dev (must speak English at a medium/ advanced level) with the following qualities:

1. WP Developer
2. Proficient with Elementor - someone who understands the difference between a "template' and a "theme", understands Global Settings, understands how to work with Dynamic Content
3. Knows how to properly use margin and padding
4. Can create a site that works well responsively
5. Proficient with HTML5 / CSS
6. Proficient with one of the following plugins: Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Jet Engine
7. Basic understanding of relational databases
8. Understands the basics of APIs and Webhooks

To a lesser extent, these qualities below are added benefit:

9. Basic understanding of the conversion heuristic (why one layout will outperform another layout in terms of conversions)
10. Basic understanding of design principles (contrast, typography, balance, spacing, hierarchy)
11. Basic understanding of SEO

If you're someone who checks these boxes or know someone who's interested let's talk:
+40 758 887 171
Persoana de contact:
Iulian Stratulat
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